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pharm. batch release (Andy)
pharma. release for supply (выдаваемое уполномоченным лицом; Release for supply is a mandatory step in manufacture, in which the last manufacturer in the supply chain certifies each batch of medicines produced, before being released to the Australian market. The Australian system of release for supply by an Authorised Person is different from the European system of batch release by a Qualified Person. Production, control and release of medicines in Australia are regulated in the Therapeutic Goods Act (1989) and the Therapeutic Goods Regulations (1990). Consequently, release for supply to the Australian market specifically involves a verification of all production and QC testing records of a batch, for compliance with Chapters 2 and 3 of the Act. Wakeful dormouse)
разрешение на выпуск серии
: 3 phrases in 1 subject
Pharmacy and pharmacology3