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verb | verb | to phrases
разориться vstresses
gen. crash; fall; beggar oneself; go smash; go to pot; go to rack and ruin; make shipwreck; be in the beach; be on the beach; take the knock; not to have a feather to fly with; go upon the rocks; go to squash; be down and out (Alex_Odeychuk); smash; be on the beach; go pop; deplete pocket; devastate; ravage; desolate; destroy; make bankrupt; bankrupt; go bankrupt; break; got to pot (papillon blanc); cast one's self away; ruin one's self; go all to smashes; drop through; lose everything; drive oneself to financial ruin (In the second half, Randall Sullivan, contributing editor to Rolling Stone for over twenty years, talked about the fascinating history of Oak Island and the intrepid treasure hunters who've driven themselves to financial ruin, psychotic breakdowns, and even death in pursuit of answers. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik ruin oneself (pf of разоряться); go to the bad; go bankrupt (pf of разоряться)
amer. go belly-up (go bankrupt Val_Ships); find oneself down and out (Taras)
amer., Makarov. go up
bank. collapse (о банке; The crisis in the financial industry has seen billions of dollars wiped off the value of shares, and a number of seemingly untouchable banking institutions have been taken over, nationalised, or have collapsed. Alex Krayevsky)
busin. go bust; go into bankruptcy; go under; fail (of a business or a person: be obliged to cease trading because of lack of funds; become bankrupt (Oxford Dictionary): Their Pioneer Mills soon failed, as did its successor; but in 1865 an entrepreneur from Maine named Sewell Prescott Moody purchased the operation and turned it into an unqualified success. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
construct. go belly up (Rapoport)
econ. go to smash; have collapsed (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
fig. be shipwrecked; be wrung dry (VLZ_58); go to wreck
idiom., explan. go to the dogs (В.И.Макаров)
inf. peg out; smash up; burst (обыкн. о коммерческом предприятии); break the bank (VLZ_58); be broke (Andrey Truhachev); be completely broke (Andrey Truhachev); be dead broke (Andrey Truhachev); be stony broke (Andrey Truhachev); be flat broke (Andrey Truhachev); end up in the poor house (VLZ_58)
IT bust
law burst
Makarov. go broke; go to blazes; go to blazes to go to pigs and whistles; go to hell; go to hell to go to pigs and whistles; go to pigs and whistles; go to pot to go to pigs and whistles; go to the devil; go to the devil to go to pigs and whistles; go to the dogs to go to pigs and whistles; come smash; be out of business; be ruined; become insolvent; fork out money (for); go to the bad; go to the devil to to go to pigs and whistles; go to the dogs to to go to pigs and whistles; lose a fortune; run upon the rocks
math. ruin
slang cook; fold; lose one's shirt (Interex); in the barrel
slang, explan. get broke
разорить v
gen. play Old Harry with (кого-либо); break; break one's back (кого-л.); betray one to destruction and ruin (кого-л.); do one's business (кого-л.); bring to nought; bring low; bring one to ruin (кого-л.); bring smb. to ruin (кого́-л.); put smb. out of business (кого́-л.); drive sb. to the wall (кого-л.); beg; beggar; devastate; harry; shipwreck; eat out of house and home; fordo; bankrupt; bring destitution; inflict shipwreck on (кого-либо); bring to naught; make bankrupt; break the back of (кого-либо); do the business for (кого-либо); do the job for (кого-либо); do job (кого-либо); drain dry; ravage; despoil; wreck; rob blind (VLZ_58); demolish; put out of business (кого́-л.); overwhelm; ruin; bring to ought; bring to ruin (кого́-л.); lay waste to something (что-либо Bullfinch); wipe out (to ruin someone financially: The loss of my job wiped us out. The storm ruined the corn crop and wiped out everyone in the county. 4uzhoj); pillage (нападением врага: The village was pillaged by the Tatars Рина Грант); distress; push over the brink (Ремедиос_П); crush financially (Ремедиос_П)
Gruzovik ravage (pf of разорять); desolate (pf of разорять)
Игорь Миг be one's undoing; clobber
idiom. drive someone to the wall (drive somebody to the wall Yeldar Azanbayev); send someone to the poorhouse (SirReal); send someone to the poorhouse (You can sometimes find great bargains by following auctions on Ebay and fill your paint box with good quality brushes that won't send you to the poorhouse. SirReal)
inf. flatten; clear out; break the bank (It will hardly break the bank if we go out to dinner just once. VLZ_58)
IT bust
Makarov. play Old Harry with (someone – кого-либо); drain someone dry (кого-либо); wipe out; put someone out of business (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. flatten out; do in
math. destroy
obs. overgo
slang make lose shirt (Баян)
разорённый prtc.
slang blasted; fouled up; fouled-up; haywire; play out; played out
разг. разориться v
gen. go bust
: 90 phrases in 10 subjects