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gen. pulverize; crush up; break up; divide into particles; grind
astronaut. powder
fig. dwarf; reduce the significance
geol. disintegrate
| камень
gen. a stone
| в порошок
 в порошке
product. powdered

verb | verb | to phrases
размельчить vstresses
gen. pulverize; crush up; break up; divide into particles; make fine; make small; reduce in size; triturate; crush
Gruzovik grind (pf of мельчить); make small (pf of мельчить); make fine (pf of мельчить); reduce in size (pf of мельчить)
astronaut. powder
fig. dwarf; reduce the significance (of); lower the dignity (of)
geol. disintegrate
Gruzovik, fig. lower the dignity of (pf of мельчить); reduce the significance of (pf of мельчить); dwarf (pf of мельчить)
размельчиться v
gen. become separated into small particles; break up; crush; divide into particles; pulverize; triturate
Makarov. become pulverized; become small
размельчённый prtc.
tech. disintegrated; ground
размельчить: 5 phrases in 4 subjects