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gen. unbuild
fig. inf. cool enthusiasm; dispirit; discourage; dishearten
magn. demagnetize
Makarov. erase
nautic. deperm; degauss

verb | verb | to phrases
размагничиваться vstresses
gen. demagnetize; deperm
Gruzovik become demagnetized (impf of размагнититься)
Игорь Миг doze at the wheel
fig., inf. cool someone's enthusiasm; dispirit; become indifferent; discourage; dishearten; lose concentration
Gruzovik, inf. cool off (impf of размагнититься); become indifferent (impf of размагнититься); lose concentration (impf of размагнититься)
house. degauss
размагничивать v
gen. unbuild; demagnetize
data.prot. degauss (магнитные носители записи)
el. depolarize
fig., inf. cool someone's enthusiasm; dispirit; discourage; dishearten
Gruzovik, fig. discourage someone's enthusiasm (impf of размагнитить); dishearten someone's enthusiasm (impf of размагнитить); dispirit someone's enthusiasm (impf of размагнитить); cool someone's enthusiasm (impf of размагнитить)
Gruzovik, magn. demagnetize (impf of размагнитить)
Gruzovik, nautic. deperm (impf of размагнитить; demagnetize partly a ship’s steel hull as a precaution against magnetic mines by surrounding it in a dry dock with a large coil through which is sent an alternating current, very strong at first but gradually diminishing in intensity)
Makarov. erase
nautic. deperm (корпус судна); degauss (корабль; обмоточным способом)
tech. deperm (напр., корпус судна); neutralize; degauss
размагничиваемый prtc.
mus. degaussed
размагничиваться: 9 phrases in 4 subjects