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verb | verb | to phrases
раздробиться vstresses
gen. crumble; crush; disintegrate; disunite; divide; parcel out; shatter; smash; smash to pieces; split; split up; break into pieces
Gruzovik break to pieces (pf of раздробляться); of a bone shatter (pf of раздробляться); of a bone splinter (pf of раздробляться)
fig. fragment; splinter
math. reduce
раздробить v
gen. atomize; beetle; carve; crumble; disintegrate; divide; fracture; grain; kibble; parcel; shatter; spall; crush down; comminute (MichaelBurov); disunite; parcel out; smash to pieces; split; crush; mill; stamp; break (MichaelBurov); chop into (Interestingly for me, just to make one or two cuts work for the edit and not chop into the vocal, I had to add a strange extra bar in, so the collage had some odd bars – instead of it all being 4:4, it was like 5:4 in places or 2:4, which was something I like Lily Snape); split up; divide up; smash
Gruzovik break to pieces (pf of раздроблять); smash to pieces (pf of раздроблять)
fig. fragment; splinter; convert (into smaller units)
Gruzovik, fig. fragment (pf of раздроблять); splinter (pf of раздроблять)
Gruzovik, math. reduce (pf of раздроблять)
IT break up (immortalms)
math. break in pieces; reduce
раздробимый prtc.
obs. disintegrable (на составные части)
: 26 phrases in 8 subjects
Forensic medicine1
Obsolete / dated1