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gen. take off your things
gen. strip; disrobe; unrobe; get off clothes; strip off clothing; take off things
fig. inf. reduce to poverty
inf. peel
Makarov. strip off clothing

verb | verb | to phrases
раздеть vstresses
gen. undress (someone); take off; strip; divest; dismantle; disrobe; unrobe; bare; denude
fig., inf. reduce to poverty; ruin
Gruzovik, fig. ruin; reduce to poverty
Gruzovik, inf. strip = steal someone's clothes (pf of раздевать)
inf. peel
slang husk; make lose shirt (Баян)
"раздеть" v
chess.term. fleece the opponent
hockey. undress (Eight minutes later, Kharlamov streaked out of his end with the puck. The Canadian defensemen, remembering how the Russian had undressed them, held back. Перед тем, как пустить шайбу над плечом Брента Джонсона Ковальчук легко "раздел" защитника Стива Эминджера, угодившего после матча в глухой запас.)
'раздеть' v
hockey. undress (Eight minutes later, Kharlamov streaked out of his end with the puck. The Canadian defensemen, remembering how the Russian had undressed them, held back. Перед тем, как пустить шайбу над плечом Брента Джонсона Ковальчук легко "раздел" защитника Стива Эминджера, угодившего после матча в глухой запас. VLZ_58)
раздеться v
gen. strip; disrobe; unrobe; get off clothes; strip off clothing; take off things; bare; denude; disrobe oneself; take off coat; undress; get naked (догола Andrey Truhachev); strip naked (догола Andrey Truhachev); take off clothes (Andrey Truhachev); doff one's self; do off one's self; get undressed; take off one’s coat; take off one's clothes
Gruzovik take off one's coat; take off one's clothes
cloth. expose himself (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
fig., inf. reduce to poverty; ruin
inf. peel
Makarov. strip off one's clothing; strip off (донага)
vulg. peel down
раздел χup 2 v
math. partition of chi-squared
разденьтесь v
gen. take off your things
о женщине раздеться v
vulg. drop one's gear
: 65 phrases in 12 subjects
Energy industry4
Health care2