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 разбиться вдребезги
gen. shatter; shiver; smash; break to shivers; fly into pieces; smash up
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gen. himself
| голову
gen. chief

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разбить вдребезгиstresses
gen. break to pieces; break in pieces; shatter; shiver; smash; break to atoms; knock to pieces; make matchwood; smash to smithereens; smash up; bedash; break in shivers; break into shatters; break to shatters; knock into smithereens; smash into shivers; blow to pieces; chaw up; smithers; splinter; prise apart (sashkomeister)
inf. break apart (crash Val_Ships)
Makarov. break into atoms; break to smash; knock to smash; smash to atoms; smash to bits; smash to pieces; blow to smithereens; knock to smithereens; smash into smithereens; bits; break into shivers; dash to smithereens; knock into smithers; knock to smithers; smash in shivers; smash into smithers; splinters; smash to smithers
vernac. ramshackle
разбиться вдребезги
gen. shatter; shiver; smash; break to shivers; fly into pieces; smash up; break in flinders; break into fragments; fall to bits (Vitalique); go to pieces; go to smash; fly into flinders; come to pieces; fall to pieces; dash in pieces
Makarov. go all to pieces; go all to rack and ruin; go all to smash; go smash; go to rack and ruin; fly in flinders; break into flinders; break into matchwood
разбить что-либо вдребезги
gen. break into pieces; break piecemeal; break to pieces; make matchwood of; dash to pieces
Makarov. make matchwood of something
разбить что-л. вдребезги
gen. break sth. to smithereens
Разбить вдребезги
amer. Busticate (To break into pieces (BUHS-ti-keyt ) came into existence in the Northern United States during the 19th Century, as the common verb bust became wedded to the Latin root -icate yaal)
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: 30 phrases in 2 subjects