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работать до седьмого потаstresses
gen. sweat one's guts out working (grafleonov); work oneself up into lather (ad_notam); work oneself up into a sweat (ad_notam); work like a maniac (Taras); work till one drops (We worked (or We did it) till we dropped (or till we couldn't see straight). Why shall we work till we drop? Taras); work till one can't see straight (Taras); work oneself into a lather (grafleonov)
Игорь Миг toil like a galley slave
Gruzovik, inf. sweat one's guts out; toil hard; bust a gut
idiom. work up a sweat (shergilov)
inf. work like stink (If someone works like stink, they work extremely hard. КГА)
Makarov. work one's fingers to the bone
Игорь Миг, inf. work like a galley slave
работать "до седьмого пота"
slang work oneself up into a lather (Interex)
работать до седьмого десятого пота
inf. sweat guts out
работать " до седьмого пота
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects