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пьяный nstresses
gen. booze-addled (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П); temulent; tippled
Gruzovik a drunk
idiom. cherry- merry (Seofunny)
mil., lingo hot (MichaelBurov); juiced up (MichaelBurov)
slang tan someone's hide (Interex); corked up (You'd be corked up, too, if you'd drunk as much as I have. Ты тоже был бы пьян если бы выпил столько как я. Interex); jugged up; mixed up (Interex); out of one's skull; out of one's head (Interex); high (MichaelBurov)
vernac. top heavy
vulg. screwed up; tight as a fart; shit-faced
пьяный adj.
gen. drunk; crapulent; crapulous; maudlin; muddling; muzzy; nappy; drunken; bibacious; flyblown; glassy eyed; pie eyed; shot away; wall eyed; gingery; intoxicated; off one's nut; blind drunk; cock-eyed; inebriate; canned; jagged; lush; queer; screwy; tight; stewed; in drink; in wine; overcome by drink; overcome with drink; overtaken in drink; bacchic; ebrious; foxed; geed up; inebrious; lit up; pinko; slewed; sotted; spiffed; tiddly; wiped-out; boxed; groggy; sodden; sozzled; the worse for liquor; vinous; winy; disguised with liquor; drunken man; in one's pots; vinose; in one's pot; drunken (о резьбе); inebriated (Andrey Truhachev); up the pole; in liquor; heady; intoxicating (также перен.); as drunk as drunk could be (Artjaazz); as drunk as drunk can be (Artjaazz); crashed; sapp'd (Dude67)
Gruzovik tipsy
amer. tanked; liquefied (Anglophile); moon-eyed (Anglophile); dixie fried (Don Sebastian); well sauced (drunk Val_Ships)
amer., inf. liquored up
amer., nonstand. fuzzled
amer., slang gaged; frazzled; glassy-eyed; lit; vulcanized; looped; belted (Charikova); half-canned (Charikova); half-blind (Charikova); half-crocked (Charikova)
austral. drongo (Sergei Aprelikov); off his face (Sergei Aprelikov)
austral., slang half-seas-over
book. ebriate
dial. mortal (джорди geordiegifts.co.uk whysa)
euph. that way (I'm sorry, but Fred's that way again and can't drive to work. Interex)
fig. muggish; muggy
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. intoxicating
humor. bombed (MichaelBurov); ebriose
idiom. have a glow on ('He had a glow on already. His voice was vibrant and cheerful.' (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); loaded to the gunwales (Халеев); higher than a kite (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. juiced (MichaelBurov); drunken (senia_m); pickled (He gets pickled after only one beer); podgy; topsy (stribizhev); drunk (senia_m); boozy; loaded; plastered; lubricated; malty; pie-eyed; disguised; baked; drunk back; bousy; stocious (Letvik); stotious (Letvik); bevvied (Anglophile); plowed (также ploughed chronik); under the influence; licked (InessaS); in a sozzled state (Andrey Truhachev); pickled; wet; under-the-table; wat; fazed (sissoko)
inf., amer. two sheets to the wind
irish.lang. flaming (сленг Franka_LV); Gee-Eyed (Franka_LV); scuttered (в зюзю, в дым, в хлам и т. д. slang.ie Андрей Шагин); fluthered (ad_notam); paralytic (ad_notam); Buckled (Букв. – согнутый Franka_LV); locked (ad_notam); numbs (ad_notam); shlossed (ad_notam); warped (ad_notam); motherless (ad_notam)
jarg. wreck (very drunk macmillandictionary.com kirilldzho); nimptopsical (Rones); pippo (Here's a pretty good list. Use it wisely: besotted, blasted [slang], blind, blitzed [slang], blotto [slang], bombed, boozy, canned [slang], cockeyed, crocked, drunken, fried, gassed, hammered [slang], high, impaired, inebriate, inebriated, intoxicated, juiced [slang], lit, lit up, loaded [slang], looped, oiled [slang], pickled, pie-eyed, plastered, potted [slang], ripped [slang], sloshed [slang], smashed [slang], sottish, soused, sozzled, squiffed (or squiffy), stewed, stiff, stinking [slang], stoned, tanked [slang], tiddly [chiefly British], tight, tipsy, wasted [slang], wet, wiped out [slang] merriam-webster.com ART Vancouver)
law drunken person
low pissed (senia_m)
Makarov. bibulous; ebriated; overtaken with drink
mil., jarg. one over the eight
mil., lingo happy (MichaelBurov)
nautic., jarg. shot-away
nonstand., Makarov. lumpy
obs. intoxicate
scottish fou as a wulk (Yerkwantai); steamin (SergeyLetyagin)
slang pafisticated (Svetlana D); blotto; blind; fluffy; pixilated (Interex); squiffed; soused; banged; bottled; edged; embalmed; lushed-up; maggoty; moppy; nazy; noggy; pizz; polluted; scammered; sloshed; wall-eyed; crocked; glazed; all geezed up; bagged; balmy; bamboozled; barreled up; behind the cork; bent; bewitched; blitzed; blue; blue-eyed; boiled (How can you get so boiled on wine? Как ты мог стать таким пьяным от вина? Interex); bongoed; boozed up; bowzed; breezy; bruised; buzzey; canned up; clobbered; cockeyed; comfortable; cooked; corned; cronk; crump; crumped up; cuckooed; cut; dagged; damaged; decks awash; discouraged; elevated; faint; fired up; flooey; fogmatic; four sheets in the wind; fractured; fresh; full; gassed; geared up; geezed; ginned; ginned up; glued; greased; grogged; guzzled; half under; half-cocked half cocked; half-corned; half-screwed; under the table; floating; fried; blooey (Man, I' m totaly blooey.I'm stoned to the bones. Чувак, я пьян в стельку. Interex); messed up (Interex); soggy (Interex); shaved; up a tree; S.F. (сокр. от shit-faced Anglophile); teed up; buttered (under the influence of alcohol or drugs; Solya5); batted (Interex); stoned; snooted (Interex); belly up (After four beers, I was belly up, for sure. После четырёх бутылок пива, я точно был пьян. Interex); blown up (I guess I'm a little too blow up to drive Я думаю, я чересчур пьян, чтобы управлять автомобилем. Interex); boozy-woozy (Interex); both sheets in the wind (She's both sheets in the wind at the moment. В данный момент она пьяна. Interex); buzzy (Interex); carrying a heavy load (Interex); chipper (A glass of wine will make her chipper almost immediately. Она становится почти сразу пьяной от стакана вина. Interex); clinched (Oh, brother, are you clinched! Так ты, брат, пьян! Interex); coo-coo (How'd you get coo-coo so soon? Как ты мог так быстро опьянет? Interex); dinged out (Gary is dinged out and can't drive. Гэри пьян и не может управлять автомобилем. Interex); dipsy (I think that Jed is permanently dipsy. Я думаю Джед постоянно пьян. Interex); discomboobulated (Interex); electrified (Interex); feshnushkied (Interex); flabbergasted (After about six beers, Harry became flabbergasted and slid under the table. После приблизительно шести кружек пива Гэри опьянел и сполз под стол. Interex); flaked out (Interex); floored (You'd be floored, too, if you'd drank a dozen beers. Ты бы тоже был пьян если бы выпил дюжину бутылок пива. Interex); folded (Interex); foozlified (Interex); funked out (Interex); fuzzed (Interex); fuzzy (She was too fuzzy to drive home. Она сильно пьяна чтобы ехать домой. Interex); gauged (Interex); giffed (Interex); glad (In fact, she was too glad to stand up. В действительности она была слишком пьяна чтобы стоять. Interex); grape shot (от вина Interex); groggified (Interex); half-baked (Interex); half in the bag (Interex); half lit (Interex); have-sprung (Interex); half up the pole (Interex); hard up (Interex); heppedup (Interex); hit under the wing (Interex); hooched up (Interex); honkers (Interex); honked (Interex); horizontal (Interex); in a bad way (Interex); in rare form (Interex); in the suds (Interex); jambled (Interex); jiggered (Interex); juiced to the gills (Interex); laid to the bone (Interex); loaded to the gills (Interex); loaded to the barrel (Interex); maggotty (Interex); maxed out (Interex); Mickey finished (игра слов на Mickey Finn Interex); milled (Interex); moist around the edges (Interex); mopped (Interex); muddied up (Interex); on the sauce (Interex); out cold (Interex); out of the way (Interex); perked up (Interex); piffled (He was so fiffled he couldn't walk. Он был настолько пьян, что не мог идти. Interex); phfft (Interex); pifflicated (Interex); pippedup (Interex); pixolated (Interex); plootered (Interex); poopied (Interex); pop-eyed (Interex); popped (Interex); half-stewed; hammered; happy (обычно слегка); heeled; high lonesome; hoary-eyed; hooted; pummeled (Interex); putrid (Interex); put the bed with a shovel (Interex); quartzed (Interex); rattled (Interex); sauced (Man, do you look sauced. Чувак, ты выглядишь пьяным. Interex); candу (I thing he's too candy to drive. Я думаю он слышком пьян для вождения. Interex); in bad shape (Interex); in the bag (Interex); schicker (Two glasses of wine and she was totally schicker. Два стакана вина и она была совершенно пьяна. Interex); screwed tight (Interex); screwed, blued, and tattooed (Interex); S.F. (How can that guy get so S.F.? Как мог этот парень так опьянеть? Interex); shagged (Interex); shredded (Interex); sizzled (Interex); skunked (Interex); slewy (Interex); slugged (Interex); snoozamorooed (Interex); soppingwet (Interex); soppy (Interex); soupy (Interex); spifficated (Interex); spificated (Interex); starched (Interex); starchy (Interex); stozzled (Interex); stuccoed (Interex); stung (Interex); swamped (Interex); swoozled (Interex); swozzled (Interex); tanky (Interex); thawed (Interex); tiddled (Interex); tiffled (Interex); tipply (Interex); toasted (Interex); topsy-boozy (Interex); topsy-turvy (She was too topsy-turvy to stand up. Она была слишком пьяна чтобы стоять. Interex); totalled (Interex); touched (Interex); trammeled (Interex); upholstered (Interex); walking on rocky socks (Interex); waxed (Interex); whazood (Interex); waa-zooed (Interex); winged (Interex); zagged (Interex); zissified (Interex); zoobang (Interex); zooted (Interex); zorked (Interex); arseholed (I got totally arseholed on Saturday night. Interex); elephant's (He shouldn't be driving! He's bloody elephant's. Interex); cotton-eyed (NightHunter); how-come-ye-so; illuminated; in one's cups; in the gun; jake; jammed; jazzed; jolly; jug-steamed; jungled; Kentucky fried; keyed up to the roof; lathered; limp; lined; lit to the guards; lit up like the gills; lit up like the guards; loaded for bear; loop-legged; lushed up; melted; knocked out; slushed up (Interex); mulled mulled up; oiled; on; on the lee lurch; organized; orie-eyed; orry-eyed; oryide; ossified; out; out of it; out on the roof; overboard; overset; owl-eyed; owly eyed; packaged (Svetlana D); paid; parboiled; pasted; pee'd; peonied; pepped; peppedup; peppy; piffed; pifficated; pigeon-eyed; pilfered; piped; plunked; polished up; potted; preserved; primed; primed to the ears; primed to the muzzle; pruned; pushed; queered; raunchie; raunchy; right; rigid; Rileyed; ripe; ripped off; ripped up; rocky; ronchie; rosy; rotten; rum dum; rum-dam; rumdum; sap-happy; sawed; schnozzle; scraunched; screwed; scronched; scrooched; sent; merry; over the hump; puggled; ready the ready; shikker; shot; shot in the neck; sleepy; slopped; slopped over; smashed; smoked; snapped; snozzle; snozzled; snubbed; snuffy; soaked; soapy-eyed; soshed; spifflicated; sprung; squiffy; stiff; stinko; striped; stunned; swacked; swazzled; swiped; tacky; tandiged; tangle-footed; three sheets in to the wind; tipped; tired; tuned; tweased; tweeked; twisted; varnished; vegetable; weak-Jointed; well oiled well-oiled; whipped; hot short; whipsy; whittled; whooshed; wilted; wing-heavy; wiped out; woofled; woozy; wuzzy; zig-zag; zonked; slammed (АБ Berezitsky); sozzly; blown away (Charikova); impaired (Anglophile); Brahms and Liszt (Anglophile); squizzed (Anglophile); stonkered (Anglophile); swizzled (Anglophile); whistled (Anglophile); whiffled (Anglophile); psyched (out Interex); torn up (alcohol or drug intoxicated: He wasn't just drunk – he was massively tore up cnlweb); boozed; circling over Shannon (букв.Летающий кругами над Шэнноном. Российский вклад в ирландский слэнг. Знаменитый случай с Борисом Ельциным, когда он на подлёте к аэропорту Шэннон оказался совершенно не в дугу. Самолёт нарезал 6 лишних кругов по воздуху, чтобы у помощников было время привести босса в чувство, но у них так ничего и не получилось. Mirinare); peloothered (an old irish slang term for drunken. Serguei_N7); steamed up; under the weather; faded (HarlemHomeboy)
slang, Makarov. awash
UK munted (I got so munted last night, I don't remember how I got home urbandictionary.com mancy7)
uncom. tempulent
vulg. bladdered (от bladder – мочевой пузырь); peed; shitty; snotted; wazzed; langered; leathered
«пьяный» adj.
mech.eng., obs. drunken (о резьбе)
пьян adj.
gen. slapped (To be intoxicated from the effects of alcohol. Under the influence of something. Artjaazz); Gone (Artjaazz); Drunk as hell (Artjaazz); High as hel (Artjaazz); drunk (SirReal); as full as a fiddle; full as a fiddle
inf. full (full as a fiddle)
slang elephant's (Interex); up to the gills; full (as a fiddle)
вдребезги пьяный adj.
gen. blind to the world
пьяные adj.
gen. drunk people (из учебника dimock)
 Russian thesaurus
пьяна adj.
gen. река в европейской части Российской Федерации, левый приток Суры. 436 км, площадь бассейна 8060 км2. Средний расход воды 25 м3/с. Очень извилиста; в бассейне карстовые формы рельефа. Судоходна в низовьях. На Пьяне - г. Сергач. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
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