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verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
пугать vstresses
gen. flutter; frighten; terrify; cow; flight; scare; affright; make afraid; appall; intimidate; be afraid; dismay; panic; startle; fright; consternate pass; awe; fray; spook; alarm; make nervous (кого-либо); consternate; appal (Sclex); menace (Aly19); browbeat (Aly19); horrify; give a start (Andrey Truhachev); threaten (with); flay; bullyrag; creep out (to make uncomfortable or afraid, to give someone the creeps) That janitor who's always talking about blood creeps me out. | Wiktionary 4uzhoj); excite (tess durbey); bust chops (Анна Ф); give the willies (Taras); give the screaming willies (Taras); bugbear
Gruzovik threaten (with – кого-либо чём-либо, в знач. "грозить/угрожать"); frighten
Игорь Миг demonize (чем-либо/кем-либо)
amer. feeze; throw a scare; buffalo
austral., slang put the wind up; push the panic button
dial. gloppen; haze
el. aliasing
idiom. get the best of (someone VLZ_58)
inf. rattle; scarify; spook out (I'm so glad the nurse is acting normal now. She was starting to really spook me out. 4uzhoj); give somebody the heebie-jeebies (fddhhdot)
Makarov. frighten away (отпугивать); frighten off (отпугивать); give someone a scare (кого-либо); throw a scare into (someone); кого-либо)
obs. affray (mazurov); gallow; larum; lowbell; quake
Scotl. gliff
slang give the shivers (кого-либо Buddy89); make someone's toes curl (Peri); curl one's toes (Peri)
zool. do a bluff charge (о животном: имитировать нападение: Bakery worker Maureen Williams said she initially tried to scare the bear away by yelling. "It turned around, and came towards me, and he did what DEEP [Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection] calls a 'bluff charge,' where he made kind of a huffing noise, and then he came at me a little quicker," Williams told WTNH-TV. "At that point, I knew I wasn't going to shut the door. He was too close. So, I backed myself out and ran." upi.com ART Vancouver)
пугаться v
gen. boggle; shy; fear; start; get a scare; express alarm (ssn); feel dismay (Азери); be startled; your skin crawls (Taras); take fright (at); scare; startle; skew; be scared (of); get intimidated (Stas-Soleil); funk; mind; be frightened (with gen., of); be frightened of (чего-либо, кого-либо); be scared of (чего-либо, кого-либо); frightened of (чего-либо, кого-либо); scared of (чего-либо, кого-либо)
Gruzovik be frightened of (impf of испугаться); be scared of (impf of испугаться); take fright at (impf of испугаться)
inf. be in a funk (Andrey Truhachev); turn chicken (Andrey Truhachev); be weak-kneed (Andrey Truhachev); be windy (Andrey Truhachev); piss one's pants (Andrey Truhachev); wet one's pants (Andrey Truhachev); be yellow (Andrey Truhachev); have a yellow streak (Andrey Truhachev); spook (at SirReal); freak out (We were freaking out. – Нам было страшно. ART Vancouver)
Makarov. boggle at; express consternation; start up
obs. shie
пугающий adj.
gen. chilling; fearful; scary (Georgy Moiseenko); intimidating (raspberry); much-feared (Anglophile); terrifying (ivvi); eerie (vgazizov); dismaying; formidable; frightening; distressing (ad_notam); exciting (tess durbey); oracular (VLZ_58); grisly (Vadim Rouminsky); unnerving (an unnerving sense of the gruesome throughout his poetry • Describing the experience of finally seeing the phenomenon, Randall mused that "it's very surreal and was a little unnerving," no doubt due in part to his being out on the misty mountaintop all by himself. • Police ultimately wound up scratching their heads over how the unnerving event unfolded. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); daunting (Anglophile); unsettling (Both Elaine and Sierra maintained a sense of humor about their experiences. The two have come to an acceptance and understanding of the creatures' presence in their lives, despite the unsettling nature of the encounters. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг creepy; dreaded
avia., med. startling
inf. whacky-ass (bigmaxus); spine-tingling (до дрожи plushkina); alarming (Abysslooker)
med. disturbing (в переносном смысле, напр., пугающее чувство DoctorKto)
obs. affrighter
vulg. hairy
пугающе adj.
gen. eerily (Her description of what happened there was eerily similar to the events laid out by another victim. miss_Destroy); in a frightening way (Andrey Truhachev); frighteningly (Andrey Truhachev); horribly (Abysslooker); scarring (Mr. Wolf); unnervingly (conveys a sense of anxiety or fear collinsdictionary.com Abysslooker); discomfortingly (Abysslooker); scarily (Anglophile); alarmingly (sea holly); unsettlingly (6-aman); worryingly (dreamjam)
что-либо пугающее adj.
poetic affright
: 99 phrases in 19 subjects
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Mass media9
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Public relations1