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псих nstresses
gen. nut-case; crackpot (probably from pot in a slang sense of "head." сf. crack-brain "crazy fellow" Taras); crazy; jitterbug; madman; food for squirrels; coo coo; crack brain; crack skull; crazy cat; crazy as a bed-bug (Shmelev Alex); dingbat; squirrel; insane (Voledemar); ding a ling; headcase (КГА); case; creamer (Пример такого употребления имеется в фильме The caretaker 1963 на 86й минуте фильма imdb.com driven); schizoid (Val_Ships); wacked. (Shottik)
Игорь Миг real nut job; nut job; bonker balls; wack-a-doodle; berserk
amer. whacko (Val_Ships); loony tune (Taras); creep (Daisy********); fruiter (Wolverin)
amer., slang crazy-cat; wack; ding-a-ling; whack
austral., slang troppo
avia., med. aura; aural
Gruzovik, inf. crank; weirdo
inf. mental; nuts; psycho; coo-coo; crack-brain; lunatic; crack-skull; loom; nutjob (urbandictionary.com acrogamnon); looneybin (пациент, проживающий в психлечебнице q3mi4); freako (AlexanderGerasimov); nutball (Taras); jerk; loon; crack ass (stana); jerko (Taras); psychotic (igisheva); fruitcake; whackadoodle (vstrugatsky); whackadoodle (Sebastijana); whackadoodle ("I get it all from my mother, though! All of it! We're the second generation wackadoodle." ~ the Wendy Williams show. An alarming number of wackadoodles predict the world will indeed end. He has given credence to a lot of wackadoodle beliefs Sebastijana); wack job ((US) a crazy or extremely eccentric person: He can't even get his story straight on his retirement rank or years of service. His DD214 is buried but I guarantee the reason for his discharge was a section 8 and it would be buried because of that due to medical privacy regs... More proof that his DD214 says he's a wack job. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
jarg. sicko (ART Vancouver)
mil., lingo doolally tap (Брит. MichaelBurov); double 4 (MichaelBurov)
nonstand. off the rails (Баян)
rude jerk-off
slang nutter; loony; weinie; fruit-cake; goo-goo; Jerk McGee; knee-jerk; kook; mishoogeh; mishugah; nougat; nut; nutcase; schiz; schizo; screw-loose; weener; weeney; weenie; weiner; wet sock; whing-ding; whingding; wienie; wing-ding; wingding; luny; trainwreck (a seriously fucked-up person, total mentalist ozzydown); sick puppy (Юрий Гомон); wackjob (2sven); flake; cuckoo; goof; not all there; whack (о человеке vogeler); psychopath; whack job (Оскар)
"псих" n
inf. batchy; dotty; loony
психе n
med. psyche
 Russian thesaurus
псих. abbr.
abbr. психологический; психиатрия; психиатрический; психотропный
психол. abbr.
abbr. психология; психологический
: 25 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Security systems1