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проявить себяstresses
gen. show quality; manifest oneself; give an account of one's self; show one’s worth; manifest itself; prove to be (with instr.); approve oneself; show one's worth (Anglophile); prove mettle (кот ученый); show what you're made of (Tanya Gesse); show oneself (Taras); prove (to be); show worth; try things out (suburbian); give a taste; manifest oneself; fare (Victor812); show oneself off (в положительном смысле: As a minister of public works, she showed herself off really well. ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг materialise (об угрозах и проч.); come into one's own
amer. rear its head (о проблеме; It was in the 1970s that the problem of violent soccer fans first reared its head in Britain. Val_Ships)
busin. bring something to the table (Alex Lilo)
fig.of.sp. answer the bell (mazurov)
fin. prove oneself (dimock)
inf. show up ("It was a great test for us. For me, that was a playoff-type environment and we had some go-to people who were invisible, so we've got to get them up and running. They've got to understand as we get further in and get to where we want to go eventually, it's going to get a lot harder than that and you've got to show up." – Oilers coach Todd McLellan VLZ_58)
Makarov. approve oneself (с положительной стороны); come off; come out; give a taste of one's quality; show oneself (someone – кем-либо); show oneself to be (someone – кем-либо); show one's quality
проявивший себя
gen. having risen to prominence (D Cassidy)
проявить себя
: 81 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Security systems1
Trade unions1