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профессиональная ориентацияstresses
busin. occupational guidance; vocational guidance; career guidance (макс. частотность); career guidance (макс. частотность. This article discusses the work of libraries in the area of work education which includes the provision of career guidance. ESD. At the same time, it might be helpful for you to consider getting some career guidance and counseling. Prior to being president, she also served as vice president of career guidance for two years and section secretary for two years. Gaining and growing the support of successive governments for the work of career services and the role that career guidance plays in enhancing economic and social well-being. In this almost half a century of use of computer-assisted career guidance systems, there has been considerable research about their effectiveness. Alumni officials said what prompted their forum to hold an exclusive session for the parents is the successful response that it received to the career guidance programme for students by a well-known expert in 2010. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
econ. orientation training
ed. occupational orientation (Morning93); career orientation (Morning93); professional orientation (Morning93); guidance counseling (русский и английский термины не совсем полно соответствуют друг другу, т.к. guidance counseling в американских школах – это более широкая работа, чем российская профориентация. Однако для того, чтобы объяснить, что такое "профориентация", сгодится. snowleopard)
fin. vocational education
law career counselling (Career counseling and career guidance are similar in nature to other types of counseling, e.g. marriage or psychological counseling. What unites all types of professional counseling is the role of practitioners, who combine giving advice on their topic of expertise with counseling techniques that support clients in making complex decisions and facing difficult situations. The focus of career counseling is generally on issues such as career exploration, career change, personal career development and other career related issues. There is no agreed definition of career counseling worldwide, mainly due to conceptual, cultural and linguistic differences. This even affects the most central term counseling (or: counselling in British English) which is often substituted with the word guidance as in career guidance. For example, in the UK, career counseling would usually be referred to as careers advice or guidance. Due to the widespread reference to both career guidance and career counseling among policy-makers, academics and practitioners around the world, references to career guidance and counselling are becoming common. WK Alexander Demidov)
профессиональная ориентации
empl. occupational guidance
 Russian thesaurus
профессиональная ориентация
gen. система мер, направленных на оказание помощи молодежи в выборе профессии. Включает информацию о профессиях, о профессионально-технических, средних специальных и высших учебных заведениях, индивидуальные консультации и т. д. Большой Энциклопедический словарь ; часть системы трудового воспитания и учебно-воспитательной работы в общеобразовательной школе. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
профессиональная ориентация
: 13 phrases in 9 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
United Nations1