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gen. stretch out; hold out; drawl; live out; outlast; outstretch
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протянуть vstresses
gen. stretch out (руку, ногу); hold out; drawl; live out (о больном); outlast; outstretch; drag out (in sense delay, hesitate, procrastinate Andrew Goff); proffer (предлагать Andrew Goff); offer (протянуть газету – offer, hold out a newspaper Andrew Goff); reach for (Andrew Goff); thrust (руку и т.п. Ant493); drag; draw; string; give (руку, помощь, поддержку); reach (особ. руку); extend; pass; linger (Andrew Goff); pull; sustain; stretch; last (он долго не протянет (о больном) – he won't last, hold out, linger long Andrew Goff); hand over (в нек. контекстах: "Who are you really?" David asked. "My name is Dr. Najjar Malik," the man said, pulling his Iranian passport from his trouser pocket and handing it over. 4uzhoj); hold out to (кому-либо; the "to" can make all the difference, as opposed to just "hold out": I held out the five-spot to the hackie. • I took down the bound copy of the California Penal Code. I held it out to Dayton. • I held the gold and enamel pendant out to Spencer. • I held a glass out to her. She took it, took a couple of sips of the champagne, and handed it back. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); intone (sever_korrespondent)
Gruzovik reach out (pf of протягивать); draw through (pf of протягивать); pull through (pf of протягивать); drag through (pf of протягивать); haul (pf of протягивать); tow; protract (pf of протягивать); drawl out (pf of протягивать)
biol. make it through (LudmilaYanenko)
fig. last long (She didn't last long. Долго она не протянула. maystay)
Gruzovik, hunt. fly over of birds
Gruzovik, inf. criticize (pf of протягивать); ridicule (pf of протягивать); rake over the coals (pf of протягивать); biff (pf of протягивать); hit (pf of протягивать); paste (pf of протягивать); wallop (pf of протягивать)
inf. go on; be around (SirReal); hold up (=продержаться 4uzhoj); make it (Taras); delay; live a little while longer
Makarov. draw out; extend as far as (куда-либо; проложить, провести); extend to (куда-либо; проложить, провести); hold forth; throw out (ногу, руку)
math. prolong
product. let it slide (Yeldar Azanbayev)
railw. pull along
scottish rax (руку)
tech. broach
протянуться v
gen. stretch; sweep; overstretch; protract; drag; drag out; draw; drawl out; haul; hold out; offer; proffer; prolong; string; span (через реку – о мосте); sustain; tow; run
Gruzovik stretch out; reach out; extend; reach; last; go on
agric. spread (напр., о пустыне, о лесе и т.п.)
inf. paste; biff; criticize; hit; rake over the coals; ridicule; wallop
"протянуть" v
inf. john deer (Taras); john dear (Taras)
протянуть: 213 phrases in 19 subjects
Bookish / literary1
Figure of speech1
Humorous / Jocular1