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verb | adjective | verb | to phrases
протестовать vstresses
gen. rebel; expostulate; obtest; reluct (против чего-либо); declaim; demur; deprecate; make a row; keep quiet; cry (against); except; rebel (против чего-либо); rail against (bookworm); rise up (Enrica); outcry (глаг. Taras); c to exclaim against; exclaim against; cry out; raise a banner (bigmaxus); insurrect (Ginger_Jane); lodge a protest (against); clamour; exclaim; march; recalcitrate; repugn (против чего-либо); remonstrate (against something – против чего-либо); take issue with (VLZ_58); bristle (VLZ_58); object; protest (with против); enter a protest; testily against; be against
Gruzovik protest against; lodge a protest against
Игорь Миг disgruntle
book. demur (часто с прямой речью)
busin. object to
ed. protest (against)
Gruzovik, law, ADR protest a promissory note (impf and pf; pf also опротестовать)
hunt. reclaim
idiom. cry foul (The opposition parties have cried foul at the president's act, seeing it as a violation of democracy. Taras)
inf. squawk; be down on (VLZ_58)
law note (вексель)
Makarov. cry against; declaim against; make a protest against; object against; rebel against (против чего-либо); remonstrate against
Makarov., inf. kick against; kick at
mar.law protest
nautic. captain's protest; ship protest
notar. object (law of procedure)
obs. cry shame upon (obsolete; to express vigorous disapproval or censure)
slang squeal; beef; goof off; kick; open one's yap; yap; blast off (Mirinare)
sport. file a protest; raise a protest
tax. appeal
USA burn one's bra (в узком контексте, конечно; In fact, this is about the 1960s, when women in the USA started fighting for equal rights, protesting against being seen as housewives and mothers only more actively than they had done before. google.com Elen Molokovskikh)
шумно протестовать v
gen. kick up a dust; kick up a fuss; kick up a quarrel; kick up a racket; kick up a row; kick up a rumpus; kick up a shindy; kick up a shine; kick up the devil's delight; kick up the dust; make a dust; make a racket; make a row; raise a dust; raise a racket; raise a row; raise Cain; raise Hail Columbia; raise hell; raise hell's delight; raise hue and cry; raise Jack; raise merry Ned; raise Ned; raise promiscuous Ned; raise the devil; raise the mischief; raise the roof; tear up Jack
amer. raise a big smoke
протестующий adj.
gen. expostulatory; protester; counter-demonstrator (Leviathan); remonstrant; deprecative; protestant
Gruzovik protesting; protestant
Игорь Миг disgruntled
протестующе adj.
gen. protestingly (xakepxakep)
протестуя v
gen. under protest (Andrey Truhachev)
протестующие adj.
gen. rioters (bigmaxus)
Протестую! v
law Objection! (реплика прокурора или адвоката, протест против постановки вопроса и т.п. q3mi4)
протестоваться v
law, ADR, fin. protest a promissory note
: 142 phrases in 19 subjects
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