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пространство для манёвраstresses
gen. berth (судна DrRats); margins of manoeuvre (Ремедиос_П); space to manoeuvre (disk_d); flexibility (Moscowtran); leeway (In this case, you get some leeway with your pricing. • Local councils will be given some leeway as to how they implement the legislation. 4uzhoj); wiggle room (joyand)
Игорь Миг stepping stone; breathing space
dipl. room for manoeuvre
fig.of.sp. trade space (Leshek)
IMF. headroom
polit. margin for maneuver (Alex_Odeychuk)
пространства для маневра
market. flexibility (amatsyuk)
пространство для совершения манёвра
mil. maneuver space (Киселев)
"пространство для манёвра"
mus. room to blow (Andy)
пространство для манёвра
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
United Nations1