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gen. simply; merely; barely; downright; simply and solely; it's just that
fr. tout court
inf. just
Makarov. purely
| знайте, что
 знаешь что
inf. know what
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adjective | adverb | to phrases
простой adj.stresses
gen. simple; common; easy; artless; unsophisticated; ingenuous; mere; bare; bald; homely; ABC; chaste; rustic; austere; childlike; elementary; gross (о пище); onefold; primitive; pure (о стиле); severe (о стиле, манерах, одежде и т.п.); silly; snap; unbending; down-home; home-bred; no-frills; open-and-shut; unartful; uncomplicated; uncompounded; unperplexed; unselfconscious; infrangible; unpretentious; plain; facile; vulgar; dolly; haplo; unfussy; foolproof; unaffected; babyish; honest; informal; tailored; tailored (о женской одежде); very; folksy (Anglophile); racy of the soil; stodgy (too plain or dull to be interesting: stodgy clothes VLZ_58); colorless (VLZ_58); conventional (VLZ_58); lowborn (lowborn folk – простой народ Рина Грант); ordinary; standstills (в работе); straightforward; coarse; elegant (о формулировке, научном определении и т.п.); profane; uncombined; undisguised; unstudied; base; plain (незамысловатый, обыкновенный); native; unceremonious; humble; mobbish; penny-plain; up-country; terre-а-terre; vera; a member of the public (человек); simple-minded (характеристика человека без пресловутого камня за пазухой nicknicky777); aboriginal; home bred; home made; no frills; open and shut; penny plain; run of the mine; shirt sleeve; tailor made; up country; groundling; poor; rough; moderate; not excessive; trivial; guileless; tailor-made (о женской одежде; о женской одежде); just; spare (= скромный, простецкий; Elvis had produced the collaborative tracks on that CD himself, but Paul felt they were too spare. Elvis' production ideas were overruled by slicker producers. Still, Elvis' spare sound didn't survive on Flowers, but it wasn't buried either Lily Snape); ultimate; straight-forward (I came from a very straight-forward Liverpool family, so if there was a party all the uncles and all the older guys – and the aunties, but mainly the uncles – they would basically just get drunk. That was the way you had fun. Lily Snape)
Игорь Миг lowly; dime-a-dozen
amer. run-of-the-mine; point-blank (Val_Ships)
archit., amer. straightway
austral., slang cushy
auto. ordinary (в противоположность автоматическому)
automat. plain (по конструкции)
book. inornate; simplex
bot. proper (цветок, венчик в сложном цветке)
busin. primary
cloth. homespun
comp., MS hassle-free
construct. ordinary (не автоматический); down (напр., оборудования)
dipl., amer. shirt-sleeve
econ. simple (напр., о проценте); straight
econometr. parsimonious (о модели)
el. simple (1. несложный 2. элементарный; неразложимый; несоставной); basic (ssn)
fig. fuss-free (Andrey Truhachev)
forestr. single-storeyed
Gruzovik, fig. not bright; stupid
idiom. common-and-garden (Interex)
inf. homey; homy; homish; numpty (andriy f); bog standard (BroKE); not complicated; low-key (suburbian); bare-bones (This one is the bare-bones model. It has no accessories at all. Val_Ships); lull (Val_Ships)
IT easy-to-understand
law verbal
leath. pure (о фасоне или стиле)
lit. unbedizened (dzingu)
Makarov. homelike; inartificial; inelaborate; tailor-made; abecedarian; common (дроби); home-made; naked; one-fold; alphabetic; alphabetical
math. prime (о числе); tame; short
med. strong
media. entry-level; vanilla (несложный)
mil. idleness
obs. russet; incomplex; incomposite; lodging for the night; spending the night; modern
patents. convenient (Мирослав9999); single
progr. small (ssn); simplified (ssn); flat (ssn); plain old (объект, тип данных Alex_Odeychuk); good old (Alex_Odeychuk)
psychol. demotic; elemental
rhetor. plain Jane (Alex_Odeychuk)
SAP. lean (Lean WMS Lub-off)
slang unsnooty; funky (Interex); square; Mickey Mouse
tech. vanilla; bulk (металл bonly)
textile regular
torped. simple (обычный); ordinary (обычный); usual (оборудования)
winemak. plain (о продукте)
просто adv.
gen. it is easy
idiom. plain sailing (Yeldar Azanbayev); nothing but (You're nothing but a barbarian! – Ты просто варвар! ART Vancouver)
простое adj.
gen. simple
clin.trial. single-arm (Tegrion)
el. prime (число)
nautic., inf. plain sailing; plane sailing
просто adv.
gen. simply; merely (only: I was merely trying to help. • Many merely desire a pleasant afternoon perusing the exhibitions in their local gallery.); barely; downright; simply and solely; it's just that (linton); nothing short of (как усилитльное слово: Amazing. Nothing short of magnificent! • She is nothing short of amazing in her latest movie. 4uzhoj); really (suburbian); conveniently (ssn); it is just that (Senator MASON–I am not saying you have to tell Professor McMillan how to do his job; that is not my point. It is just that we need something more than what we have here. That is my point. (Australia) Tamerlane); because (потому что suburbian); all (suburbian); for short (used as a shorter way of saying a name: He's actually called Jeremy, but everyone who knows him calls him Jem for short.); without theatrics; plain out (These garages are plain out UGLY with a capital U – эти гаражи просто уродливы с большой буквы У Баян); but; easy thing; only (только); in a hurry (легко Taras); abstemiously (AlexP73); can but (I could but marvel at how the little monk had prospered. | I could but marvel at the enchantment once conjured that created such an immense space within the mountain, for it was undeniably a wonder, one in which I ... Alexander Demidov); absolutely (absolutely fabulous – просто фантастика; absolutely amazing – просто великолепно и т.д. suburbian); in lay terms (transland); it is a simple matter; at all (suburbian); sort of (suburbian); patently (- Death Watch is out of control. The Republic must step in and help. You can't keep them reined in, obviously, so we will. – This is patently offensive (Это просто оскорбительно). You can't do this. – Unfortunately, it is up to the Senate now. Taras); something (как усилитель: he treated me something shocking – он обошёлся со мной просто ужасно); severely; baldly; nakedly; singly; unaffectedly; merely (you cannot merely assert yoriko); unselfconsciously (george serebryakov); straightforwardly (nairaland.com I. Havkin); trivially; artlessly; in plain English (напр., говорить, излагать); easily (Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik it is easy; it is simple
cliche. like shooting fish in a barrel (Liv Bliss); Like shooting ducks on a pond (Interex)
cloth. austerely (о стиле одежды Оксана Мигович)
fr. tout court
idiom. cut and dry (реакция на высказанное мнение: "It’s not as cut and dry as that – the process of assessment and subsequent treatment and how much coverage you get for how long can sometimes be settled by someone that really shouldn’t be making those kinds of decisions. It’s not a bad system, but it’s far from perfect and there are lots of gaps and drawbacks." (Reddit) -- здесь не всё так просто ART Vancouver)
inf. just; just plain (Water exercise burns calories, builds strength, and enhances flexibility, plus it's just plain fun. – просто доставляет удовольствие ART Vancouver); I'm asking because (said to give the reason for asking a question denghu); absolute (That hotel we stayed at in New York was an absolute shithole. – ...просто дыра 4uzhoj); one-two-three (VLZ_58); as easy as one-two-three (VLZ_58)
Makarov. purely; so much; plain
math. more easily; more simply; simple; while this operation is merely a notational change
obs. inartificially; downrightly
slang pure and simple (Interex)
tech. plainly
telecom. unceremoniously (oleg.vigodsky); primitively (oleg.vigodsky)
"просто" adv.
ital., mus. semplice
выраженный просто adv.
gen. in words of one syllable
просто знайте, что
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects