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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
пропитавшийся adj.stresses
Makarov. ingrained
пропитать v
gen. saturate; ingrain; permeate; imbue; engrain; penetrate; pervade; saturate (he is saturated with Greek history – он поглощён изучением истории Древней Греции); soak; infilter; impregnate (with); imbibe; steep; infiltrate
Gruzovik impregnate with (pf of пропитывать)
geol. impregnate
Gruzovik, inf. keep (pf of пропитывать); nourish (pf of пропитывать); provide for (pf of пропитывать); feed (pf of пропитывать)
inf. nourish; provide (for); keep
Makarov. saturate with; soak in; steep in; impregnate with
obs. exsaturate (чем-л.)
пропитаться v
gen. soak; become impregnated (with); become saturated (with); become steeped (in); imbue (with); impregnate (with); saturate (with); steep (in)
Gruzovik become impregnated with (pf of пропитываться); become saturated with (pf of пропитываться); become steeped in (pf of пропитываться)
Gruzovik, inf. support oneself (pf of пропитываться); earn a living (pf of пропитываться)
inf. earn a living; support oneself
Makarov. sop; become impregnated; become saturated; become soaked
пропитавший prtc.
Makarov. ingrained
пропитавшийся: 25 phrases in 8 subjects
Firefighting and fire-control systems1
Obsolete / dated1