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verb | verb | to phrases
проноситься vstresses
gen. fly; sweep; float; streak; stream; whirl; slip away (о времени); slide by; fly by (While I stand on the sidewalk looking both ways and waiting, I usually have to wait for between five and 10 cars to fly by before anyone on my side of the road will stop. ART Vancouver); buzz; flit; buzz along; last for a certain time; spread; rush; breach; carry for a certain time; flash; make a hole (in); scud; wear for a certain time; wear out; wear through; wear to shreds; slip (о времени); shoot; storm; speed; race alongside (as other drivers race alongside of you / cars were racing alongside on the sprawling wide road 4uzhoj); zoom (о машинах triumfov); slip away; pass; run; tear through (напр., об урагане Ремедиос_П); roll past (suburbian); zip past (As the plane begins what seems to be a rather turbulent landing, the airliner slightly tilts and a curious white object can be seen zipping past the craft.); rush past; flash by; last (of clothes, a certain length of time)
Gruzovik dash by/past/through (impf of пронестись); wear to shreds (pf of пронашиваться); wear through (pf of пронашиваться); of garments last for a certain time (pf of пронашиваться); flash by/past/through (impf of пронестись); rush by/past/through (impf of пронестись); scud by/past (impf of пронестись)
austral. be zipping along (быстро продвигаться вперёд – It's Saturday night and Sir Paul McCartney is zipping along to Perth's nib Stadium Lily Snape)
fig. blow over; float (в мыслях, перед глазами); whiz past (по прямой линии, туда-сюда: This used to be a quiet neighbourhood and now that they've built this new highway exit we've got cars whizzing past 24/7. ART Vancouver); of a rumor start going around; of time fly by
Gruzovik, fig. of storm, etc blow over (impf of пронестись)
inf. pierce; suffer from diarrhea; suffer from diarrhoea
Makarov. be worn out (приходить в ветхость); blow over (быстро миновать – о буре и т. п.); fly by (быстро миновать); go through (об одежде); rush past (пробежать); scud past; shoot past; slip along (о времени); sweep along; sweep over; sweep past; wear out (приходить в ветхость); slip by (о времени)
obs. fleet; spread (gossip, rumo(u)rs, etc)
vulg. zing
проносить v
gen. carry (for a certain length of time); carry through (with через); carry past (with мимо); carry quickly; whisk; smuggle something into; smuggle something past; smuggle something out of; wear (for a certain length of time); wear out; deliver; move (past); pass (by); rush (by, past); scud (past); smuggle (into, past); wear for a certain time; wear to shreds; speed
Gruzovik wear to shreds (pf of пронашивать); deliver (impf of пронести); smuggle into/past (impf of пронести); rush by/past (impf of пронести); pass by (impf of пронести); move past (impf of пронести); scud past (impf of пронести); carry by/over/past/through; wear for a certain time (pf of пронашивать)
Игорь Миг smuggle in
fig. retain
Gruzovik, fig. retain (impf of пронести)
Gruzovik, inf. suffer from diarrhoea (impf of пронести); pierce (impf of пронести); make a hole in (impf of пронести); breach (impf of пронести); suffer from diarrhea (impf of пронести)
Gruzovik, obs. spread gossip, rumors, etc (impf of пронести)
inf. breach; make a hole (in); pierce; suffer from diarrhoea
Makarov. carry past (мимо, через); carry through (мимо, через); wear out (износить до дыр); wear to shreds (износить до дыр)
obs. spread (gossip, rumo(u)rs, etc)
проносимый prtc.
math. brought through; conveyed
: 98 phrases in 12 subjects
Obsolete / dated1
Prison slang1