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verb | verb | to phrases
пронести vstresses
gen. wear out; speed; deliver; move (past); pass (by); rush (by, past); scud (past); smuggle (into, past); wear for a certain time; wear to shreds; get into (что-либо куда-либо: Despite fears of hooligan violence and jihadist terror attacks, Russian fans manage to get a FLARE GUN into the stadium and fire it at England supporters dailymail.co.uk dimock); smuggle (что-либо в запретную зону) I was caught trying to sabotage Carlton's newest recruit by smuggling him beer. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik carry a certain distance, for a certain time (pf of проносить); rush by/past (pf of проносить); pass by (pf of проносить); move past (pf of проносить); scud past (pf of проносить)
Игорь Миг smuggle in
fig. retain
Gruzovik, inf. make a hole in (pf of проносить)
Gruzovik, obs. spread gossip, rumors, etc (pf of проносить)
inf. breach; make a hole (in); pierce; suffer from diarrhea; suffer from diarrhoea; sneak in (что-либо запретное Ремедиос_П); work out (and all its cognates; "come out OK/fine/well": Я думал, тут мне и конец, но пронесло, слава Богу! Liv Bliss); get (Specifically, he wanted to know about the gunman's motivations and how he managed to get his weapons into the hotel. -- каким образом ему удалось пронести оружие в гостиницу coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Makarov. carry past (мимо, через); carry through (мимо, через)
obs. spread (gossip, rumo(u)rs, etc)
пронестись v
gen. rush past; flash by; sweep over; last (of clothes, a certain length of time); pass (о дожде, буре); fly; career; flash; overblow (о буре, опасности и т. п.); rush; sail; scud; shoot; skim; storm; streak; stream; sweep (Thunderstorms swept the country.); whirl; shoot along; slip away (о времени); shoot forth; shoot past; run; pass off; flash through (kutsch); blaze through (Serahanne); last for a certain time; spread; breach; carry for a certain time; dash; make a hole (in); wear for a certain time; wear out; wear through; wear to shreds; slip; speed past (past something; на большой скорости | прош. sped (US) и speeded (UK) |: A plane sped past us just above the trees. • A car speeded past, missing me by no more than a centimetre.. 4uzhoj); skitter (Taras); roll past (suburbian); whoosh (The train whooshed past us  - Поезд с шумом пронёсся мимо нас Taras)
Gruzovik dash by/past/through
austral. go through like a dose of salts; go through like a packet of salts
book. glimpse (ssn)
fig. of a rumor start going around; of time fly by; blow over
Gruzovik, fig. of storm, etc blow over
inf. spin; whiz (past; about a car ART Vancouver); pierce; suffer from diarrhea; suffer from diarrhoea; zip past (As the plane begins what seems to be a rather turbulent landing, the airliner slightly tilts and a curious white object can be seen zipping past the craft. – проносится мимо самолёта coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); race (3 RCMP cars and an ambulance just raced by the house (we're at Royal Oak and Rumble) – anyone know what’s happening??? ART Vancouver)
Makarov. blow over (быстро миновать – о буре и т. п.); fly by (быстро миновать); pass off (о дожде, буре); rush past (пробежать); scud past (пробежать); shoot out; stream away; sweep past
obs. spread (gossip, rumo(u)rs, etc)
prop.&figur. fly by (Three jet fighters flew by. • The hours just flew by. • Time flew by so fast that it was dark before we knew it. ART Vancouver)
пронесло v
gen. the danger is over (WiseSnake); it was a narrow escape (Technical); lucky break (sever_korrespondent); get away with (kirobite)
Игорь Миг everything worked out fine
inf. off the hook (о неприятности Ремедиос_П); that went well (Damirules)
Пронесло! v
inf. that was close! (Technical)
"Пронесло!" v
nautic. no-bottom (доклад лотового)
пронесло! v
navig. no-bottom (доклад лотового)
 Russian thesaurus
пронеся v
gen. деепр. от пронести
пронесясь v
gen. деепр. от пронестись
пронесши v
obs. деепр. от пронести
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