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verb | verb | to phrases
проминать vstresses
gen. crush; exercise; knead thoroughly; make a path (by trampling, treading); break (through); run for exercise
Gruzovik break through (impf of промять); crush (impf of промять); knead thoroughly (impf of промять); dent by trampling, treading (impf of промять); make a path by trampling, treading (impf of промять); exercise (impf of промять); run for exercise (impf of промять)
forestr. dent
Makarov. flatten (о выступах)
проминаться v
forestr. dent
Gruzovik, inf. limber up (impf of промяться); stretch one's legs (impf of промяться)
inf. stretch legs
Makarov. flatten (о выступах)
: 5 phrases in 1 subject