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gen. slang (North American informal BlackSmith)
inf. deal drugs (A friend of mine used to deal drugs. But instead of spending it on flashy clothes and cars he saved the money he made. He used the money for a down payment on a house in Colwood. He then got out of the game and got a job at City Hall. ART Vancouver)
inf., amer. push (на улице и т.п.)
slang pitch jive (Interex); shove (Interex); sling (Евгения Анатольевна); trap (Денис Демяников)
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slang are you holding? (Сленговое выражение распространённое в среде наркоманов. Interex); are you carrying? (Сленговое выражение распространённое в среде наркоманов. Interex)
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: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
Drug-related slang1
Security systems2