gen. |
programme (BrE); program (AmE); package; all current productions; bill listing (театр., концертная и т.п.); programme book (BrE) брошюра с программой мероприятия); show; proposals; bill (концерта и т. п.); catalogue; project (строительства и т. п.); scheme; schedule; routine; blueprint; playbill; syllabus (курса, лекций, подготовки и т.п.); channel; shedule; program book (AmE) брошюра с программой мероприятия) |
account. |
layout |
adv. |
program book; programme book; schedule (передач) |
amer. |
catalog; program; catalogue (университета, колледжа) |
automat. |
instruction (действий); profile (напр., развития отрасли); software code |
avia. |
project (работ по решению проблемы) |
avia., corp.gov. |
program |
avia., OHS |
programme |
book. |
schema |
busin. |
plan |
comp. |
software |
comp., MS |
app (A set of instructions that a computer uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management); application (A set of instructions that a computer uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management); computer program (A set of instructions in some computer language intended to be executed on a computer so as to perform some task. The term usually implies a self-contained entity, as opposed to a routine or a library) |
construct. |
policy; mission |
corp.gov. |
subject catalogue (обучения, инструктажа igisheva) |
econ. |
MO/TO (MasterCard) MO/TO (заказ по почте / телефону; Mail Order/Telephone Order Шандор) |
ed. |
set-up (A1_Almaty) |
el. |
compressor; optimizer; packer |
fin. |
framework (Alex_Odeychuk) |
formal |
action program (план действий, мероприятий igisheva) |
geol. |
slate (состязаний и т.п.) |
geophys. |
LMO – Linear Move Out (Карлыгаш); module |
Gruzovik, obs. |
bill of fare; menu |
Gruzovik, softw. |
software program |
IT |
application (прикладная); data flow program; product; program item; TSR program; applet (в интерфейсе Windows); rout (стандартная); routine program (стандартная); rtn (стандартная); computer programme; code (машинная); routine (ЭВМ); SW |
libr. |
prospectus (напр., подписного издания) |
libr., IT |
instruction |
logist. |
doctrine |
Makarov. |
application program (прикладная); code (ЭВМ); diary; job; procedure; program (последовательность команд для решения задачи); schedule (мероприятия); agendum (работы); code (управляющая); routine (для ЭВМ); routine (последовательность команд для выполнения какой-либо операции) |
manag. |
program (группа взаимосвязанных проектов Dashout); offering (контекстуально, напр., customer service offering – программа обслуживания клиентов Beloshapkina) |
market. |
initiative (Dmitry) |
math. |
course |
med. |
project; shedule (напр. лечения) |
media. |
billing (киносеанса); process sheet (производственного процесса); program code (в вычислительной технике); programmed sequence (напр., передачи); software (радио или телевизионная) |
metrol. |
algorithm |
mil. |
equipment requirements program; itinerary (напр., визита); priority placement program; reserve enlisted program; sequence (Киселев); slate |
mil., nautic. |
mine development program |
missil. |
preset |
mus. |
set list (исполнения композиций Teodorrrro); set (suburbian) |
nautic. |
program instruction; code (на машинном языке) |
oil |
curriculum |
polit. |
prospectus (And it remains finally to ask what place there was for trade unionism in the Labour Party's revised prospectus. • The falling oil price has blown an enormous hole in Alex Salmond's economic prospectus for an independent Scotland. Alexander Demidov) |
progr. |
software programme (ssn) |
proj.manag. |
activity (контекстный перевод igisheva) |
publ.util. |
scavenging schedule |
qual.cont. |
scope (напр., статистического наблюдения) |
relig. |
outreach |
robot. |
program (производственная) |
roll. |
routine (для вычислительной машины) |
softw. |
tool (Рихтер Дж. CLR via C#. Программирование на платформе Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 на языке C#, 2013: This tool produces a single file that represents the logical grouping of files. — Эта программа создает единственный файл, который обеспечивает логическую группировку файлов. • a tool combining multiple managed modules and resource files into an assembly — программа, объединяющая несколько управляемых модулей и ресурсных файлов в сборку Alex_Odeychuk) |
sport. |
repertoire; programme |
stat. |
framework |
tech. |
high performance computing and communications initiative; code; agenda; mission (напр., проведения экспериментов); route |
telecom. |
program code (oleg.vigodsky); programming code (oleg.vigodsky) |
TV |
lineup (Pickman); format (контекстуальный перевод: In this edition of the "life played out on screen" format, electro duo Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe watch highlights of the past 40 years, from formation to rediscovery. suburbian) |
Игорь Миг, sport. |
routines (в спортивной гимнастике) |
geophys. |
HAARP (MichaelBurov) |
radio |
HAARP facility (MichaelBurov); HAARP project (MichaelBurov); стенд HAARP (MichaelBurov); HAARP Program (MichaelBurov); проект HAARP (MichaelBurov); нагревный стенд HAARP (MichaelBurov); ионосферный нагревный стенд HAARP (MichaelBurov); Программа исследования ионосферы высокочастотным воздействием HAARP (MichaelBurov); комплекс ионосферных исследований HAARP (MichaelBurov); project HAARP (MichaelBurov); High Altitude Auroral Research Program (NASA MichaelBurov); High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (MichaelBurov); High Altitude Auroral Research Project (MichaelBurov); High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (MichaelBurov) |
gen. |
facilities; commitments (в широком смысле: broad range of activities and commitments sankozh) |
el. |
software |
fin. |
facility |
metrol. |
software (для ЭВМ) |
mil. |
software (ЭВМ) |
UN, ecol. |
roadmaps |
automat. |
routine |
IT, tech. |
routine (ЭВМ) |
mil. |
routine (вчт.) |
patents. |
routine (для ЭВМ) |
nucl.pow. |
CAPRA (Франция MichaelBurov); CAPRA program (MichaelBurov); Accelerated Consumption of Plutonium in Fast Breeders program (Франция MichaelBurov); программа CAPRA по созданию специализированной активной зоны реактора-выжигателя (Франция MichaelBurov); программа CAPRA по ускоренному выжиганию плутония в быстрых реакторах-размножителях (MichaelBurov) |
avia. |
ABCA (MichaelBurov); ABCA program (MichaelBurov); America, Britain, Canada, Australia (MichaelBurov) |
comp., MS |
OGA (A program for licensed Office software that provides access to updates, value-added downloads, free software trials, and special promotions); Office Genuine Advantage (A program for licensed Office software that provides access to updates, value-added downloads, free software trials, and special promotions) |
el. |
advanced communication function/network control program |
el. |
file system driver; installable file system |
el. |
mimencode; mmencode |
el. |
network control program |
mil. |
MAVNI (США MichaelBurov); MAVNI program (MichaelBurov); Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (США MichaelBurov) |
SAP.tech. |
include; include program |
telecom. |
Windows-based program (oleg.vigodsky); Windows product (oleg.vigodsky); Windows program (oleg.vigodsky) |
astronaut. |
RAVE (MichaelBurov) |
avia. |
code |
bank. |
Power Lunch (Alik-angel) |
comp. |
Wysiwyg program |
comp., MS |
NSControl (The command prompt utility for administering Notification Services instances and applications) |
comp., MS |
WGA (A program for licensed Windows software that provides access to updates, value-added downloads, free software trials, and special promotions); Windows Genuine Advantage (A program for licensed Windows software that provides access to updates, value-added downloads, free software trials, and special promotions) |
comp., MS |
rs utility (Report scripting tool) |
comp., MS |
Empower (A 12-month program that provides members of the Microsoft Partner Program with software licenses for various Microsoft products, an MSDN subscription, support newsgroups, etc) |
comp., MS |
rsconfig.exe (Server connection management tool) |
comp., MS |
Visual Studio Industry Partner Program (A program that assists partners in building, integrating, and selling applications, tools, components, and even entire programming languages with Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Team System. The VSIP program offers unique benefits to all its members-developers, tools ISVs, and line of business and infrastructure ISVs) |
el. |
advanced communication function |
el. |
binhex |
el. |
Eudora (для обслуживания электронной почты) |
el. |
FIDO/opus/Seadog standard interface level; FOSSIL (напр. для модемной связи) |
el. |
gzip |
el. |
Microsoft Access |
el. |
Microsoft PowerPoint |
el. |
mimdecode; mmdecode |
el. |
personal computer LAN program |
el. |
pkunzip |
el. |
system management interface tool |
el. |
Stuffit |
el. |
time-sharing program |
Gruzovik, comp., net. |
telnet (teletype network); teletype network (telnet) |
Gruzovik, scient. |
CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering (program); программа автоматизированной разработки программного обеспечения) |
HR |
ESOP ('More) |
inet. |
GNU Privacy Guard (свободная программа для шифрования информации и создания электронных цифровых подписей Artjaazz) |
intell. |
FME program (FMEP; ФМЭП MichaelBurov); foreign material exploitation program (FMEP; FME; ФМЭП MichaelBurov) |
IT |
HashKeeper (a database application of value primarily to those conducting forensic examinations of computers hashkeeper.org Alex Lilo) |
IT |
S program |
IT |
pretty good privacy (unact.ru Bricker) |
IT |
terminate-and-stay resident program |
IT |
ASCI (Метран) |
IT |
terminate and stay resident (unact.ru Bricker) |
программа бережливого развития | оптимизации n | |
labor.org. |
lean journey (из широкой концепции бережливого производства == gembaacademy.com BabaikaFromPechka) |
media. |
Openlook (графический интерфейс пользователя); Open Look (графический интерфейс пользователя) |
mil. |
project |
mob.com. |
travel rewards |
Commercial Lunar Payload Services (MichaelBurov) |
O&G, tengiz. |
MatMan (Aiduza) |
progr. |
AddSub (Adding and Subtracting ssn) |
progr. |
NetShow program (ssn) |
progr. |
iCOMP (ssn) |
progr. |
simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (ssn) |
progr. |
Rails program (ssn) |
progr. |
AddSub program (ssn) |
progr. |
Visual Basic code (ssn) |
progr. |
Intel comparative microprocessor performance (программа сравнительной оценки производительности микропроцессоров фирмы Intel ssn) |
SAP.tech. |
ABAP program |
tech. |
volume license agreement |
telecom. |
AD program (oleg.vigodsky) |
telecom. |
Volcov Commander (с поддержкой асинхронной связи через параллельный порт) |
telecom. |
generic program (oleg.vigodsky) |
telecom. |
Java program (oleg.vigodsky) |
telecom. |
online software (oleg.vigodsky) |
telecom. |
screen saver (oleg.vigodsky) |
gen. |
spot (и т.п.) |
gen. |
flow-synthesis algorithm |
gen. |
european tracking tool (Метран) |
agric. |
ForwardFarming (для фермеров. Цифровые технологии помогут получать информацию по выбору сорта, дозе средств обработки и признакам стресса у растений olga don) |
astronaut. |
RAVE (MichaelBurov) |
automat. |
code |
comp. |
Telnet (a program that lets you log onto a remote computer) |
comp., MS |
Windows Logo Program |
comp., MS |
VSIP Program (A program that assists partners in building, integrating, and selling applications, tools, components, and even entire programming languages with Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Team System. The VSIP program offers unique benefits to all its members-developers, tools ISVs, and line of business and infrastructure ISVs) |
comp., MS |
Zune software (The computer-based program through which customers shop and download from the online Marketplace, play and manage music and video collections, and sync games, apps, and other media to their phones) |
comp., MS |
rs.exe |
comp., MS |
MS-DOS-based program (A program that is designed to run with MS-DOS and therefore may not be able to take full advantage of all Windows features) |
comp., MS |
rsconfig utility (Server connection management tool) |
Phare Programme (EC raf) |
el. |
advanced mass sender |
el. |
block-oriented network simulator |
el. |
Fiber Channel System Initiative |
el. |
gunzip |
el. |
High Performance Computing and Communications |
el. |
Microsoft Excel |
el. |
MIDI program |
el. |
Paintbrush (для IBM-совместимых компьютеров) |
el. |
pre-route delay quantifier (для рабочих станций по автоматизированному проектированию интегральных схем) |
el. |
QuickTime |
el. |
startup application (в компьютерах Apple Macintosh) |
el. |
SurfWatch |
el. |
Windows Explorer |
fin. |
Separated Trading Of Registered Interest And Principal (Xtrick) |
foreig.aff. |
programme InfoDev |
Gruzovik, int.circ. |
MIMIC progr (MIMIC program; millimeter-wave monolithic integrated circuit program) |
IT |
search for ExtraTerrestrial intelligence (unact.ru Bricker) |