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gen. let it slip out
| он
slavon. archaic name of the letter о
| и
gen. and
| тяжело вздохнул
 тяжело вздохнуть
gen. fetch a sigh

verb | verb | to phrases
проговориться vstresses
gen. let something slip (Alex let slip that he had spoken to Julie on the phone and knew where she was. • We couldn't risk her letting something slip when she was reporting to Sonny. 4uzhoj); leak; give away; babble; leak a word; make a bad break; make a break; tell (Aly19); give it away (Don't give it away yet. – Не рассказывай всё сразу. ART Vancouver); let it slip (Acruxia); breathe a word (Mira_G); blab (out); pronounce; say; speak; utter; slip (nawata); blurt out (синонимы: exclaim , blat, bolt, cry out, ejaculate Taras); run one's mouth about (Andrey Truhachev); get the word out (Andrey Truhachev); spread the word (Andrey Truhachev); let out; volunteer information (по своей инициативе Ертур); drop; rip out; kiss and tell (Taras); make one's head sing
Gruzovik blab out (pf of проговаривать); talk (pf of проговаривать)
amer. cut the bag open
forens. flip (Tumatutuma)
idiom. spill the beans (Andrey Truhachev); say the quiet part out loud (diyaroschuk)
jarg. get busted (Himera)
Makarov. babble out; let the cat out of the bag; let on; let out a secret
Makarov., inf. spill out
obs. talk (about)
проговорить v
gen. talk away; talk; converse (for a certain length of time); tell; utter (Notburga); speak (out; текст Artjaazz); pronounce; say; plow (без остановки sever_korrespondent); keep talking (A would-be customer kept me talking for three hours. — Потенциальный клиент проговорил со мной три часа. Alex_Odeychuk); spell out (diyaroschuk)
Gruzovik pronounce (pf of проговаривать); say (pf of проговаривать); talk for a certain time (pf of проговаривать)
Gruzovik, obs. talk about (pf of проговаривать)
Makarov. talk away (весь вечер)
obs. talk (about)
prop.&figur. articulate (4uzhoj)
проговорился v
gen. let it slip out (Tanya Gesse)
 Russian thesaurus
проговориться v
gen. см. тж. сболтнуть (4uzhoj)
: 29 phrases in 5 subjects