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gen. agent provocateur (pl. agents provocateurs) According to Michele A. Berdy, it only works well in certain historical contexts, e.g.: Гапон: революционер или провокатор царской охранки? – Father Gapon: revolutionary or agent provocateur for the tsarist secret police? • [Titushki] are the tough guys in tracksuits who act as agents provocateurs.); stoolpigeon; labour spy; stooge; noser; provocator; roper; instigator (Boy 1: Yo mama! Boy 2: What did you say about my mama? Instigator: Oooh, he is talking 'bout yo mama. Man I wouldn't take that if I was you! Taras); stool-pigeon; rabble-rouser (Michele A. Berdy Leonid Dzhepko); shit-disturber (vogeler); a police spy; plant (напр.: Кидали камни не демонстранты, а провокаторы. Stones weren't thrown by the demonstrators, but by plants in the crowd. Michele A. Berdy Leonid Dzhepko); provocative (angryberry); plotter (Capital); abettor (Capital); wave maker (Capital); traitor (Capital); wind-up merchant (suburbian)
Игорь Миг deep cover agent (контекстуально)
busin. rat; stool pigeon
fig. bellwether (Vadim Rouminsky)
hockey. agitator (Игроки, в обязанности которых входит организация провокаций по отношению к лидерам команды соперников. Оказывают постоянное давление на оппонентов с помощью силовых приёмов, при этом большинство действует достаточно грязно, не гнушаясь тычков, зацепов и словесных оскорблений. VLZ_58); pest (In ice hockey, a pest (also known as an "agitator"), is a type of player who attempts to annoy, anger, or distract opposing players in order to reduce their effectiveness or cause them to take a penalty. They differ from enforcers in that although they seek to anger their opponents, they do not primarily seek to fight with them. en-academic.com aldrignedigen)
inet. troll (на форумах и в чатах acrogamnon); concern troll (denghu)
law provocateur; provoker
med. trigger (напр., развития аллергического воспаления Alex_Odeychuk)
mil. double dealing agent
notar. feigned accomplice
polit. seducer of the people (Andrey Truhachev)
sec.sys. subversive (a person engaged in subversive activities Val_Ships)
slang burrole; geepo; pig; whistle-blower
slang, Makarov. nose
: 14 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Mass media1