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verb | verb | to phrases
проваливать vstresses
gen. fail; cause to cave in; damn; decamp; kill; murder; spin (на экзамене); goof (замысел и т. п. тж. goof up); come one's way (идти вон; обычно в виде императива); cause to collapse; knock down; pip; plough; plow; reject; defeat (законопроект); mess; muck (какое-либо дело); botch (напр., миссию Ремедиос_П)
Gruzovik knock down (impf of провалить); cause to collapse (impf of провалить); wreck (impf of провалить)
Игорь Миг screw up (Everything I do, I screw up.); scuttle
amer. snow under
dipl., amer. snow under (кандидата на выборах)
fig. take a walk (Andrey Truhachev)
fig., inf. bring about the failure (of); expose; flop; flunk; give away; turn down; fail (a student); ruin
Gruzovik, fig. ruin (impf of провалить); flop (impf of провалить); expose (impf of провалить); give away (impf of провалить); turn down (impf of провалить); flunk a student (impf of провалить); fail a student (impf of провалить); bring about the failure of (impf of провалить)
Gruzovik, obs. pass by in large numbers (impf of провалить); go by in large numbers (impf of провалить); go past in large numbers (impf of провалить)
inf. expose (illegal activity); vote down; defeat; pluck (на экзамене); muck up (дело, экзамен leosel); get lost (z484z)
inf., amer. scram
low, brit. piss someone off (В.И.Макаров)
Makarov. goof up (замысел и т. п.); make a mess of; mess up
Makarov., amer. snow under (кандидата)
Makarov., inf. buzz off; muck up (какое-либо дело)
obs., inf. go by; go past (in large numbers); pass by
rude fuck up (все на фиг)
slang get the hell out (Get the hell out! – Проваливай! Interex); hit the road (Ivan Pisarev); miss out; goof (замысел и т.п.; тж. goof up); hit the trail; take a hike (Юрий Гомон); bog off (Bog off! Get out of here! Вадим Александров); scrape out (откуда-то Artjaazz); hit the bricks (VLZ_58); hit the dusty trail (Artjaazz); kick rocks (WhiteyAction); fall thru (экзамен Yeldar Azanbayev); fall through (экзамен Yeldar Azanbayev)
проваливаться v
gen. flunk; break down; fail (with на + prep, or no, an examination or subject); fall in; fall through; cave in (о почве, крыше); unstick; fall into; cave; flop; founder; collapse; go under (kee46); bomb (1) [transitive] bomb something to attack somebody/something by leaving a bomb in a place or by dropping bombs from a plane * Terrorists bombed several army barracks. * The city was heavily bombed in the war. 2) [intransitive] + adv./prep. (British English, informal) to move very fast, especially in a vehicle, in a particular direction * They were bombing down the road at about 80 miles an hour. 3) [transitive, intransitive] bomb (something) (North American English, informal) to fail a test or an exam very badly * The exam was impossible! I definitely bombed it. 4) [intransitive] (informal) (of a play, show, etc.) to fail very badly * His latest musical bombed and lost thousands of dollars. OALD Alexander Demidov); slump (Franka_LV); disappear; sink; slump; fall (with в + acc., into); come tumbling down; be unsuccessful
Gruzovik come down (impf of провалиться); collapse (impf of провалиться); fall into (impf of провалиться)
Игорь Миг come up short
avia. fall; sink (в воздушную яму); drop (Andrey Truhachev)
fig. come unglued (VLZ_58)
fig., inf. miscarry
fin. founder (напр., о плане)
Gruzovik, fig. miscarry (impf of провалиться)
Gruzovik, inf. vanish (impf of провалиться)
inf. vanish; go awry (langbid)
IT, prof.jarg. fall through to
Makarov. fail (на экзамене); cave in (о почве крыше и т. п.); fall in (о крыше и т. п.); sink in; be ploughed (терпеть неудачу); be plucked (терпеть неудачу)
Makarov., inf. come unstuck; get unstuck
Makarov., inf., amer. come unglued
nonstand. be washed out (на экзаменах igisheva)
slang fall through (Mick's plan to enter the University fell through at the last moment. == В последний момент планы Мика поступить в университет рухнули.); fall thru (Mick's plan to enter the University fell through at the last moment. == В последний момент планы Мика поступить в университет рухнули.)
проваливай! v
gen. get along with you!; hop it!; kiss off!; let's see the back of you! (Anglophile); blast off! (Anglophile); go along!; go along with you!; walker; piss off; beat it!; buzz off!; kiss off
Игорь Миг get the hell out of here; bug off!; get out of here!; get the f* outta here! (руг., груб.)
amer. go pound sand! (They told me to go pound sand – Они сказали мне проваливать kurzman)
amer., rude go fly a kite!; go jump in the lake!; go lay a brick!; go lay an egg!; go sit on a tack
amer., slang twenty-three
brit. get stuffed (The Irishman turned to face him again. "No, you listen to me, Roux. I'll stay in Paris just as long as I want. I was never impressed by you in the Congo, and I'm not now. So get stuffed. ilma_r)
Gruzovik, excl. beat it!
inf. off with you! (Andrey Truhachev); Clear out! (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. away with you!
rude bugger off! (Anglophile); Go fry an egg! (Andrey Truhachev)
rude, BrE piss off!
scottish get te feck (Scottish way to say "Fuck off!" SergeyLetyagin)
slang get lost (в прямом и переносном смысле); get lost!; 23 skiddoo!; 23 skidoo!; twenty-three skiddoo!; twenty-three skidoo!; twenty-three!; hit the road! (Damirules); hit the bricks (vogeler); do one! (Баян); buzz off (‘we know what we're doing, so buzz off!')
проваливай v
gen. get out with you; get out (возглас); scram
inf. go away (kamante); kick rocks (Am.E.; go away, leave alone or leave a place Taras)
rude get out of my fucking face (4uzhoj); go chase yourself (VLZ_58)
slang bye Felicia (цитата из фильма "Friday", означает пренебрежительно-безразличное нежелание продолжать беседу NGGM); voetsek (из Африкаанса voort s Christina_AW)
проваливайся v
gen. flunk; be damned; disappear
Проваливай! v
slang Forget you! (Interex); hit the pavement (JuliaSyomina)
проваливайте! v
Makarov. go along with you!
: 77 phrases in 19 subjects
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