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gen. try; taste; assay; sample; prove; offer
Makarov. bite at
| поведение
gen. behavior

verb | verb | to phrases
пробовать vstresses
gen. try; taste; assay (руд и металлов); sample; prove; offer; try out; try conclusions; try over; bite; nibble; experiment (что-либо, особ. для развлечения); flavor; try one's hand at (Liv Bliss); endeavour (to); feel; be attempting (We are attempting to verify your details. Alex_Odeychuk); degust; proffer; risk; have a taste of anything; take a taste of anything; tempt; throw about; try on (платье); try it on; wage
Gruzovik attempt to (impf of попробовать); endeavor to (impf of попробовать); assay (impf of попробовать); feel (impf of попробовать)
Игорь Миг give it a shot; dip one's toe
amer. venture (на свой страх и риск; The company is venturing into the computer software industry. Val_Ships)
austral., slang have a crack at; have a lash at; have a smack at
automat. proof
dril. trial
el. attempt
fig. experience (Vadim Rouminsky)
geol. probe; test
idiom. apply oneself (Interex)
inf. give it a whack (Willie W.); give it a stab (Willie W.); take a try (Yeldar Azanbayev); play around with (разные варианты: We played around with other ingredients and recipes. -- пробовали ART Vancouver)
Makarov. bite at; essay; sample (на вкус, запах и т.п.); sip; taste (на вкус, запах и т.п.); try (пытаться); have a bash, a stab at (что-либо на чём-либо, на ком-либо); have a shot at (что-либо на чём-либо, на ком-либо); have a shy at (что-либо на чём-либо, на ком-либо); have a stab at (что-либо; на чём-либо; на ком-либо); have a bash at (что-либо); have a go; nibble at; play about (with); play around; test (испытывать)
Makarov., inf. try on
math. check; verify
obs. delibate; tertiate (пушки)
progr. explore (ssn)
scottish pree
tech. experiment
пробоваться v
gen. be tried; be tested; try out (with на + acc., for); test (for; на роль); test for (на роль); assay; endeavour (to); feel; taste; try (to); attempt (to); sample
Makarov. test for (на роль и т. п.)
пробовавший prtc.
trav. tasted
пробующий prtc.
trav. tasting
: 145 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Drug-related slang2
Obsolete / dated1
Show business1
Uncommon / rare1