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gen. decadent
Игорь Миг decaying
busin. ailing
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gen. wear thin; get into a rundown condition (Cooper was mayor when the pumping station broke down but it was the man in office before him who allowed it to get into such a rundown condition. VPK); dilapidate; decline; decay (о государстве, семье и т. п.); degrade; dwindle; fall off; fall to decay (Anglophile); fall into decay (об экономике); go to wreck; go to rack and ruin; go into a decline; go down; ebb; run down (British manufacturing industry has been running down for years. – Британская обрабатывающая промышленность приходит в упадок уже много лет. TarasZ); fall into neglect (kee46); fall into decline (The town fell into decline after the factory closed down. VLZ_58); be in one's, on the wane; break; decaying; go backward; ruin; ruinate; ruination; waste; go to ruin
Игорь Миг throw into disarray; collapse; be past one's prime; wane
archit. fall into disrepair; fall in disrepair
econ. decay
fig. go down the wind; wind down
idiom. go to seed (VLZ_58)
idiom., explan. go to the dogs (Anglophile)
Makarov. be in wane; be on the wane; fall into a decline; run to seed; slip into a decline; totter to its fall; fall into decay
Makarov., uncom. go to decay
media. fall into a state of disrepair (Ying)
poetic eclipse
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: 20 phrases in 6 subjects
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