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verb | verb | to phrases
присмотреться vstresses
gen. take the measure of (КГА); look closer (yerlan.n); take a closer look (yerlan.n); get accustomed (to); get tired (of seeing something too often); get used (to); grow accustomed (to; darkness, etc); look attentively (at); look closely (at); size up; peer (I peered at the object in his hand Рина Грант); look over (целенаправленно смотреть в определенном направлении Alex_Sereb); examine (SirReal); take a good look at (TranslationHelp); take the measure of; grow accustomed to
Gruzovik look attentively at (pf of присматриваться); look closely at (pf of присматриваться); size someone up; get accustomed to (pf of присматриваться); get used to (pf of присматриваться); get tired of seeing something too often; grow accustomed to darkness, etc
присмотреть v
gen. look after; shepherd; draw a bead on someone or something (Anglophile); mind (Aly19); keep an eye (on); look for; superintend; supervise; tend (за); see to (за тем, чтобы что-либо было сделано 4uzhoj); have one's eye on (вспыхнуть желанием что-то возыметь lulic)
Gruzovik find; keep an eye on (pf of присматривать)
amer. hold the fort (за чем-либо; Harry did a good job of holding the fort until his boss recovered.); hold the fort (за чем-либо; idiom; You should open the store at eight o'clock and hold the fort until I get there at ten. Val_Ships)
Makarov. look after
prof.jarg. hold the fort (взамен кого-либо; idiom; You should open the store at eight o'clock and hold the fort until I get there at ten. Val_Ships)
 Russian thesaurus
присмотреть v
gen. подыскать (z484z); выбрать (z484z); найти (z484z)
: 50 phrases in 4 subjects
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