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применять технологии краудсорсингаstresses
gen. crowdsource (для выполнения задачи) Crowdsourcing is a sourcing model in which individuals or organizations obtain goods and services, including ideas, voting, micro-tasks and finances, from a large, relatively open and often rapidly evolving group of participants. Currently, crowdsourcing typically involves using the internet to attract and divide work between participants to achieve a cumulative result. The word crowdsourcing itself is a portmanteau of crowd and outsourcing, and was coined in 2006. Crowdsourcing is not necessarily an "online" activity and existed before Internet access became a household commodity. wikipedia.org 'More)
применять технологию краудсорсинга
gen. crowdsource (для выполнения задачи) Crowdsourcing is a sourcing model in which individuals or organizations obtain goods and services, including ideas, voting, micro-tasks and finances, from a large, relatively open and often rapidly evolving group of participants. Currently, crowdsourcing typically involves using the internet to attract and divide work between participants to achieve a cumulative result. The word crowdsourcing itself is a portmanteau of crowd and outsourcing, and was coined in 2006. Crowdsourcing is not necessarily an "online" activity and existed before Internet access became a household commodity. wikipedia.org 'More)