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gen. fly; come fly; arrive; fly in; come flying; come flying in
avia. arrive by air
fig. rush in
fig. inf. come flying; rush in
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 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
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slang Big Town

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gen. fly; come fly (Oleg Sollogub); arrive (of a plane); fly in (I flew in new York to visit my sick grandmother. She was diagnosed with lung cancer last year so she hasn't really be doing to well.; прителеть в sleepymuse); come flying (kee46); come flying in; arrive by plane
fig., inf. come flying; rush in
Gruzovik, avia. arrive by air (impf of прилететь)
Gruzovik, fig. rush in (impf of прилететь)
mil. come down (о снарядах: We see the shells coming down and the smoke rising above the village. ART Vancouver)
mil., avia. arrive
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: 8 phrases in 3 subjects