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verb | verb | to phrases
прикалываться vstresses
gen. make fun of (ctirip1); laugh at (ctirip1); attach with a pin; fasten with a pin; pull a prank on someone (над кем-либо dumb rabies); pin
Игорь Миг poke fun at
amer. be just kidding (Maggie); goof on (над кем-либо Taras); chirp (somebody Scarlett_dream); rip on (Scarlett_dream); be just kidding (Maggie)
crim.jarg. seek the advice of (ctirip1); share thoughts with (ctirip1)
inf. have fun; pull off a prank (Marina Aleyeva); screwing (I'm screwing with you! – Да я прикалываюсь! kiberline); take the mickey out of (над кем-либо Andrey Truhachev); riff off (друг над другом; each other Андрей Шагин); transfix; mess around (bolton926); finish off; stab to death; tease (друг над другом; each other Andrey Truhachev); yank around (HarlemHomeboy); mess with (Come on, I'm just messing with you! Taras); pull someone's leg (to make someone believe something that is not true as a joke; to trick or lie to someone in a playful way: I haven't won, have I? You're pulling my leg. • I panicked when he said the test was tomorrow, but then I realized he was just pulling my leg. 4uzhoj); get a kick out of (с Tamerlane); laugh (And I really have to stop laughing whenever Jake answers to "Jackey Побеdа)
slang toss off (Mick is a wit guy. During the party, he tossed off smart remarks. == Мик - очень остроумный парень. На вечеринке он классно шутил.); keed (ZarinD); take the piss (make fun of // joke ): Naw, you're not really fat. I was just taking the piss. • Is Lola being serious or is she just taking the piss? 4uzhoj); pull someone's tits (Technical); do (suburbian); argy-bargy (about: it is not the place to argy-bargy about authenticity: the pizza is completely good MichaelBurov)
vulg., mean.3 fuck around (He was just fucking around. 4uzhoj)
"прикалываться" v
gen. wind up
прикалывать v
gen. fasten; stab; attach with a pin; fasten with a pin; pin (with к, to)
Gruzovik pin (impf of приколоть); attach with a pin (impf of приколоть); fasten with a pin (impf of приколоть)
Gruzovik, inf. stab to death; transfix (impf of приколоть)
inf. transfix; finish off; stab to death
leath. pin
Makarov. heel in (саженцы перед высадкой в грунт); pin down; pin on; pin to
O&G pin up
прикалываюсь! v
sl., teen. sike (sike используют, когда хотят убедить человека в чем-то, а потом его "обломать" SvezhentsevaMaria)
: 18 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Teenager slang2