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призёр nstresses
gen. winner; prizewinner; awardee; prizetaker; prizer; prize winner
brit. medallist (a person who has received a ^medal, usually for winning a competition in a sport • an Olympic medallist • a gold/silver/bronze medallist Example Bank: • He was a European silver medallist in the 1 500 metres freestyle. • She was the 100 metres bronze medallist at the World Championships. • The event was opened by the double Olympic gold medallist, Seb Coe. • a silver/bronze medallist. OALD Alexander Demidov)
chess.term. prize-winner
Gruzovik, sport. prizeman
sport. medal winner (felog); medalist (medal winner, one who has been awarded a medal for achievement (usually in sports or the military). BED Alexander Demidov); runner-up
призёр конкурса n
gen. award-winning (в сочетании с существительным: an award-winning photographer ART Vancouver)
призёры n
gen. runners-up (e.g. the winner and runners-up of the competition / напр., победитель и призеры соревнования denghu)
: 47 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Automated equipment1
Horse racing1