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gen. draft; call out; summon; appeal for; induct; call down
mil. call in; call to the colours
| кого- либо
gen. put it across
| к
gen. to
| ответу
gen. answer
| за
gen. for
- only individual words found

verb | verb | to phrases
призвать vstresses
gen. draft; call out; summon; appeal for (lulic); induct; call down (проклятия и т.п.); urge (“I urge my fellow citizens who are in the reserves to come to military conscription offices,” Pushilin said in a video statement. SergeyL); plead; appeal (for); call upon (to); call up (на военную службу) Most of the letters were from mothers whose sons had been killed, were serving in Afghanistan or were about to be called up.); invoke; urge (to); call (for)
Gruzovik call (pf of призывать); call upon (pf of призывать)
Игорь Миг appeal to
mil. call in; call to the colours; conscript (на военную службу 4uzhoj); muster (на военную службу; to enroll formally: he was mustered into the army 4uzhoj); call up; destine; intend
patents. appeal to; refer to; request
polit. call on (Washington Post; e.g., The International Committee of the Red Cross called on both sides to stop the shelling. Alex_Odeychuk)
uncom. challenge (bellb1rd)
призваться v
gen. appeal; call; call upon; summon
Gruzovik be called up (pf of призываться)
inf. be mustered into the army (4uzhoj); get conscripted (на военную службу 4uzhoj)
призвать кого- либо к ответу за
: 1 phrase in 1 subject