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gen. affix more meaning (чем следует VPK)
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gen. highlight; hold at a great rate; put a high value upon; think much; set much store by (smth., чему́-л.); believe; lay stress on; set a high value on (чему-либо); set a stress on (чему-либо); assign high priority (mascot); make much of (Anglophile); give importance (Soulbringer); set store by; put a premium (qwarty); place a high priority on (Alexander Demidov); attach great importance (to); appreciate; make a big deal of it (Olga Fomicheva); place a premium (to believe that a particular quality or activity is very important: In this school we place a premium on honesty. MED Alexander Demidov); place a high premium on (Ремедиос_П); put a high premium on (Ремедиос_П); attach much importance (Stas-Soleil)
Gruzovik attach great importance to
dipl. make a point of (чему-либо)
econ. place great value on (чем-либо A.Rezvov)
idiom. make much account of something (чему-либо Bobrovska)
inf. make much out of something (чему-либо; делать из мухи слона Dyatlova Natalia)
law place great store on (The IFLA letter places great store on the number of FID members who are also IFLA members. BSD Alexander Demidov)
Makarov. attach great importance to something (чему-либо); attach much value to something (чему-либо); give much value to something (чему-либо); lay great store by; lay great store on; make a thing of something (чему-либо); make a thing out of something; make much of something . (чему-либо); make much of something (чему-либо); put great store by; put great store on; set high store by (чему-либо); set much store by (чему-либо)
Makarov., uncom. set great store on (чему-либо); set great store upon (чему-либо); set high store on (чему-либо); set high store upon (чему-либо); set much store on (чему-либо); set much store upon (чему-либо)
psychol. set great store by
rhetor. be making a big deal out of (чему-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
slang go big on (He's very big on jazz – Он помешан на джазе. Obama set to go big on guns – идёт в наступление на владельцев оружия; чему-то GeorgeK)
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gen. lay stress upon; set much on; attach great importance to something; give weight to something; make a point of
Makarov. make a point of something; set a great deal on something; set much deal on something; attach great value to something
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gen. make account of; set great store by
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gen. make a thing of
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: 65 phrases in 7 subjects
Mass media4
Obsolete / dated1