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gen. do out; do up; mop up; detail; put in proper trim; bring to rights
Makarov. put in proper trim; firm up; get together
qual.cont. make good
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gen. do out (sth., что-л.); do up (волосы); mop up; detail (напр., машину: I had heard good things about this compound for detailing. joyand); bring to rights (должное состояние); brush up; straighten out; lick into shape; set in order; set right; set to rights; put right; put straight; get in order (e.g., there is still much work to be done to get the United States' fiscal house in order; Thomson Reuters Alex_Odeychuk); set in order (в движение); get something to rights; clean up; fix up; do to; put to rights (His [Putin's] aim, once this weekend's heavily managed parliamentary elections and next March's presidential coronation are out [of] the way, is to put this disaster to rights. TG Alexander Demidov); trim up (Ant493); put into shape; furbish up; adjust; appoint; arrange; neaten; redd; busk; methodize; rearrange; reorganize; slick; order; tidy; straighten; systematize; right; snug; spruce; do; groom (себя, внешность q3mi4); organise (Andrew Goff); make; compose; liquidate; mareschal; trim; agree; square; readjust (снова); trick; furbish; digest; firm; marshall (бумаги, документы и т.п.); range; set (шляпу, платок, галстук, волосы); shape; regiment (I. Havkin); marshal; reduce; reduct; rule; size; formalize; sort out
account. methodise
amer. fix; police; side; tidy up; redd up (комнату; particularly in Western Pennsylvania Taras)
amer., inf. slick (обыкн. slick up)
amer., mil. police (лагерь)
busin. clear up; dispose; regulate; reinstate
dial. redd (преим.)
dipl. bring up to date; marshal (документы и т.п.)
fig. draw up
idiom. get on an even keel (Taras)
inf. straighten up (В.И.Макаров)
Makarov. firm up; get together; primp up; put to rights; set rights; set straight; snug down; snug up; trick out; bring to rights; tidy up; bring to put; bring to shape; marshal (бумаги, документы и т.п.); organize
Makarov., inf. do up
Makarov., inf., amer. slick up
math. settle
mil. spoon up; reinstate (войска); rally; refit (войска); reform (войска); rehabilitate (войска после боя)
mil., inf. button up (войска)
nautic. square away
oil cure
patents. put in order
qual.cont. make good
railw. fettle
slang do up (волосы: Jane's sister helped to do up her hair. == Сестра помогла Джейн уложить волосы.); spruce up
vulg. doll up
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gen. put in proper trim; get into shape; beat into shape; knock into shape
Makarov. put something in proper trim; lick into shape
тж. spruce up приводить в порядок
inf. spruce
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gen. compartmentalize (VLZ_58)
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mil. recoup
приводить в порядок: 98 phrases in 20 subjects
Computer networks1
Cosmetics and cosmetology3
Dog breeding1
Firefighting and fire-control systems1
Mass media3
Military lingo1