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law arraign on a criminal charge (Leonid Dzhepko); be charged with a criminal offence (sankozh); prosecute (If the revenue protection officer thinks that you have been travelling with intent to avoid paying the fare, this is a criminal offence and you might be prosecuted. 4uzhoj)
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gen. be held criminally liable (Can corporations be held criminally liable for a crime? | Significantly, a company can be held criminally liable for the actions of its employees regardless of their seniority in the organisation. Alexander Demidov)
crim.law. be convicted of a criminal offence (судимым, привлекавшимся к уголовной ответственности не значится – has never been put on trial or convicted of a criminal offence ART Vancouver)
law have criminal records (e.g. He has criminal records for poaching. – Он привлекался к уголовной ответственности за браконьерство. Soulbringer)
sociol. be tangled with the criminal justice system (Fesenko)
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Makarov. take legal action against (someone)
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: 14 phrases in 5 subjects