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привлекать к себе вниманиеstresses
gen. draw heat (sever_korrespondent); raise a red flag (с негативной коннотацией; контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П); make a show of oneself; in the limelight (Ivan Pisarev); in the spotlight (Ivan Pisarev); in the public eye (Ivan Pisarev); under scrutiny (Ivan Pisarev); center stage (Ivan Pisarev); center of attention (Ivan Pisarev); in the center of attention (Ivan Pisarev); into the public spotlight (Ivan Pisarev); into the spotlight (Ivan Pisarev); into the limelight (Ivan Pisarev); into focus (Ivan Pisarev); to the spotlight (Ivan Pisarev); under the spotlight (Ivan Pisarev); center stage (Ivan Pisarev); to the limelight (Ivan Pisarev); at the heart (Ivan Pisarev); at the center (Ivan Pisarev); draw attention to oneself (Ivan Pisarev); draw attention (Ivan Pisarev); attract attention (Ivan Pisarev); call attention (Ivan Pisarev); catch the eye (Ivan Pisarev); attract the attention (Ivan Pisarev); highlight (Ivan Pisarev); capture the attention (Ivan Pisarev)
Игорь Миг put on a show
amer. grandstand (Anglophile); generate lots of buzz (Liderfood generates lots of buzz to sell their sausages Taras)
busin. receive attention
fig.of.sp. pick up (Alex_Odeychuk)
idiom. make noise (I think these nurses are just trying to make noise to try to get more money from the government, it's the usual union tactic. I remember breaking my arm as a kid 30 years ago and waiting 8 hours to be seen and hospital didn't seem busy. Same with getting stitches. ART Vancouver)
Makarov. make a sight of oneself; make a spectacle of oneself; make an exhibition of oneself
psychol. draw attention to myself (Alex_Odeychuk)
намеренно привлекать к себе внимание
gen. put oneself forward (Ремедиос_П)
привлекать к себе внимание: 34 phrases in 5 subjects
Figure of speech1
Public relations1