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gen. fasten; throw; hammer; nail down; nail on; nail on to
fish.farm. carry
inf. beat up
| пыль
gen. dust

verb | verb | to phrases
прибить vstresses
gen. fasten; throw; hammer; nail down; nail on; nail on to; clap on; beat down (of wind. rain, etc.); affix with nails; fasten with nails; flatten; usually to carry; beat; kill (поражать оружием, убивать); lay (пыль); lodge (о ветре, ливне); ley (пыль дождём); nail
Gruzovik nail; affix with nails (pf of прибивать); fasten with nails (pf of прибивать); flatten (pf of прибивать)
fig. curry
fish.farm. carry (dimock); wash ashore (dimock)
Gruzovik, inf. beat up; give a thrashing
inf. give a thrashing
Makarov. clap on (доску и т. п.); lay (laid); beat down (градом, дождем)
прибиться v
gen. affix with nails; beat down; fasten with nails; flatten; nail; usually to carry; wash ashore; lay
fig. start doing something
Gruzovik, fig. start doing something (pf of прибиваться)
Gruzovik, inf. attach oneself to (pf of прибиваться); come unrequested (pf of прибиваться)
inf. attach oneself (to); come unrequested
прибить: 83 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Oceanography & oceanology1
Wood processing1