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gen. prosperous; successful; flourishing; thriving; blooming; booming
amer. forehanded
| банк
gen. bank

verb | adjective | to phrases
преуспевать vstresses
gen. thrive; prosper; blossom; blossom forth; blossom out; flourish; bull; do; get along; come on; do first-rate; get on; go to town; make headway; strike it rich; strike oil; make good one's running; gain on; gain upon; have one's star in the ascendant; make the running; get on like one o'clock; rise in the world; make out; be in the money; come home; get home; go ahead; strike home; touch home; get on a treat; progress (Notburga); excel (Like many other Singaporean parents, she worried about whether her child's command of English would be good enough for him to excel in Singapore – not whether he would retain his command of his native Chinese language – Подобно многим другим китайским родителям, живущим в Сингапуре, она переживала о том, будет ли её ребенок владеть английским языком достаточно хорошо для того, чтобы преуспеть в Сингапуре, а вовсе не о том, будет ли он хорошо знать свой родной китайский язык Irina Verbitskaya); carry the world before one; get away with; speed well; get ahead; carry all before one; carry everything before one; come along; cut a shine; make progress (Andrey Truhachev); succeed; come out on top; bring down the house (MargeWebley); be successful (in); move up in the world (SirReal); make good progress (Andrey Truhachev); branch out (Fashionising.com: branch out further into the high fashion territory- продолжать освоение новых областей высокой моды, продвигаться по карьерной лестнице в области высокой моды Shawty); come forward; have one's day (Taras); have a knack (for; в чём-либо Taras); be in the money; fare (tо fare Kenan Shikhlinsky); do well (sophistt); flory; flourishing; gather ground; improve; have the world in a string; drive the world with him; excel (with в + prepl., in); do well in (smth., в чём-л.); do well at (smth., где-л.); pull off
Gruzovik succeed in (impf of преуспеть); be successful in (impf of преуспеть)
Игорь Миг make much headway; do great; have it good
account. flourish (напр., о фирме)
arch. speed
austral., slang curl the mo
brit. pull round (В.И.Макаров)
busin. be prosperous; make good; be successful; succeed in (в чём-л.)
dipl. gain ground
econ. thrive (напр., о фирме)
fig. pan out
idiom. go places (VLZ_58); be in a groove (VLZ_58)
inf. do well; go a bomb (VLZ_58); have something cooking (Buffalo has had their power play cooking of late with seven power-play goals in their last six contests. VLZ_58)
invect. piss on ice
Makarov. crack a tidy crust; get on a fair treat; prosper in; succeed at; succeed in; branch out; come out on top (в жизни); have one's star in the ascendant
Makarov., inf. do splendidly; bat a thousand (выражение первоначально использовалось в бейсболе и связано с максимально возможным числом выбитых очков, которое составляет тысячу); be doing splendidly; be doing well
obs. go gangbusters (CopperKettle)
relig. abound
slang hit; get across (I really want to get accros in life. Я очень хочу преуспеть в жизни. Interex); have it made in the shade (Interex); ball (VLZ_58)
преуспевающий adj.
gen. prosperous; successful (in business or one’s profession); flourishing; thriving; blooming; booming; upwardly mobile (Anglophile); prolific (YanaLibera); rising; in smooth water; well off; well to do
account. bullish
amer. forehanded; well-to-do (о человеке; A well-to-do person is rich enough to be able to do and buy most of the things that they want. Val_Ships)
econ. booming (о бизнесе); bullish (о секторе экономики)
inf., ironic. carbonized (о служащем)
Makarov. on the up and up
slang lush
преуспевающие adj.
adv. actualizers
преуспевающий банк
: 81 phrases in 17 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Journalism terminology1
Mass media1