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gen. spar; bicker; bandy words; exchange words with (с кем-либо); argue; haggle (scherfas); quibble (Boris Gorelik); contend; controvert; fight one another; make words; squabble; wrangle; back talk
adv. chop logic
book. altercate
fig. tussle (Abysslooker)
Gruzovik, inf. altercate with; squabble with; wrangle with
inf. altercate (with); squabble (with); wrangle (with); argufy; have an argy-bargy (At the Thai side of the border we have the usual argy-bargy about my passport. It ain't serious and the border cops seem to find it amusing. 4uzhoj); have the argy-bargy (At the Thai side of the border we have the usual argy-bargy about how come a westerner has a Thai passport. It ain't serious and the border cops seem to find it amusing. 4uzhoj); sass (VLZ_58)
Makarov. bandy with (someone); bandy words with (someone); squabble with; wrangle with
: 12 phrases in 4 subjects
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