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gen. aborigine
Canada First Nations person (официальный термин, применяется только в Канаде: "Johnson (...) is speaking to a lawyer about how to proceed with a human rights case. "If I have to go to court to make this right, not only for myself but for every First Nations person that's been discriminated against by a bank or a big store or something like that, I will," Johnson said." (СВС) ART Vancouver); Indigenous man (Канады: A Vancouver man who hit another man in the head causing him to fall over and later die has been given a 27-month jail sentence. According to Vancouver Police Department spokesperson Sgt. Steve Addison, on Aug. 6, 2021 Jeff Arnie Lincoln, 41, struck 60-year-old Gilles Herbert in Grandview Park near Commercial Drive and Charles Street. Lincoln, who is an Indigenous man, punched Herbert in the head at which point he fell to the ground and stuck his head. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
представители коренного населения
Canada FN people (Worked closely with many successful business people all over BC, many of them FN people. ART Vancouver)
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: 2 phrases in 2 subjects