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gen. opportunity presented itself (I walked into the store purely by chance to discover it was for sale. The opportunity just seemed to present itself at just the right time. It really seemed just meant to be. ART Vancouver); had the opportunity (Had the opportunity to play at the Cargill Golf and Country Club. Very nice course but I forgot how to swing the club that day. There goes my chance for membership... ART Vancouver); the opportunity came up (George Spicer was a man with a busy job: he was a director of a well-respected tailors in London, called Messrs. Todhouse, Reynard and Co. So, when the opportunity came up for a vacation, the pair jumped at the opportunity. They chose to take a trip to Scotland, for a bit of tranquility and relaxation. What a mistake that turned out to be. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
fig. opportunity came knocking (As a freelance writer, "I never got myself a pension," he said. So when opportunity came knocking recently, he answered it. Their house sold in 48 hours, without ever going to multiple listing. Real estate documents show the property, which the family bought for $870,000 in 2003, sold for $3.75 million – $750,000 over the list price and $1.28 million over the assessed value. vancourier.com ART Vancouver)
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Makarov. bring an opportunity; present an opportunity
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gen. opportunity (Е. Тамарченко, 24.05.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
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: 25 phrases in 6 subjects