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gen. competence (mascot); jurisdiction (the territory or sphere of activity over which the legal authority of a court or other institution extends. NOED Alexander Demidov); purview (the area of responsibility or influence that a person or organization has: Raising the funds is outside the purview of this committee. MED Alexander Demidov); subject (In comparative federalism and comparative constitutionalism reserved powers or residual powers are those powers which are not "enumerated" (written down, assigned). In various federal and decentralized political systems, certain subjects are assigned to either the central (or federal) government or the regional (or state or provincial) government; however it is not possible to list all possible subjects that might be legislated on for all time. Therefore, the framers of major constitutional documents tend to assign all other subjects that may arise after the document is enacted to one of the two orders of government. This is considered a major power in its own right. In Canada, for example, the reserved powers lie with the federal government; in the United States, the reserved powers lie with the constituent states. WK Alexander Demidov)
econ. authority matter
polit. responsibilities (e.g., their responsibilities are involved – это входит в их предмет ведения Alex_Odeychuk)
предметов ведения
: 25 phrases in 7 subjects
Notarial practice1