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превзойти vstresses
gen. excel (excel somebody at something – превосходить кого-либо в чём-либо); surpass; beg; leave behind; outdo; beggar; lead; lick; outbalance; outclass; outmatch; outrank; outstrip; overbear; overtop; whip; overpass; come before; outachieve; outrival; outsail (в чём-либо); outperform; outshine; take the shine out of; go better (кого-либо); go one better than; go one better; outbid; get the better of (перехитрить, кого-либо); go better (перещеголять, затмить, кого-либо); surpass (кого-либо, в чём-либо); get the better of (someone Anglophile); get the better end of (someone – кого-либо key2russia); get the better of (someone – кого-либо key2russia); capped; overstride; outgo; make rings round; fly at a higher pitch than (кого-либо); eclipse (Maria Klavdieva); overbid (overbad(e), overbid; overbidden, overbid); beat all hollow; outrun (Andrew Goff); dominate; gain on; predominate; efface; outvie (в состязании); overwhelm (Asterite); bang; better; beat (to beat something hollow – превзойти, затмить что-либо); exceed; knock; overbalance; whop; cap; beat hollow; knock into a cocked hat (кого-либо); transcend (to surpass a person or achievement: He doubts that he will ever transcend Shakespeare Taras); trump (кого-либо); outpull; get the best of (someone – кого-либо), вывести из себя (кого-либо tasya); outrate (Taras); top (AlexandraM); have better of; make the better of; carry the bell; put one's self forward (кого-л.); put one's self forwards (кого-л.); get above one (кого-л.); outpass; overcome (кого-л.); overgo; take the shine out of a man (кого-л.); go beyond; over-deliver on something (ч-л; This lens over-delivered on my expectations. – Этот объектив превзошел мои ожидания. Халеев); one-up (VLZ_58); cap out (bucu); dwarf (make appear small by comparison (Freq. 3) – If one thing dwarfs another, it makes it seem small by comparison:: This year's debt dwarfs that of last year. WN3. • The new skyscraper will dwarf all those near it. " This new crisis may well dwarf most that have gone before. CALD Alexander Demidov); do one better (SirReal); outsoar (someone – кого-либо Stanislav Zhemoydo)
Gruzovik preponderate (pf of превосходить); dominate (pf of превосходить); predominate (pf of превосходить); gain on (pf of превосходить)
Игорь Миг gain the upper hand; be one up on; score better; outcompete
auto. outclass (об одной модели по отношению к другой I. Havkin)
econ. overbid
fig.of.sp. leave someone in the dust (Liv Bliss)
idiom. blow out of the water (по масштабу: Staff at a Value Village in Vancouver found $85,000 in a donated bag and with the help of police tracked down its rightful owner and returned it. The cash was inside a yellow plastic bag dropped off at Value Village's donation centre on Hastings Street this week. Store manager Jeffrey Stonehouse thought at first the envelopes inside contained receipts, but when staff opened them, bills poured out. This isn't the first time someone has mistakenly donated something valuable, but it certainly will be memorable. "This has blown everything out of the water. I don't think we'll ever beat this record again," Stonehouse said. dailyhive.com ART Vancouver); beat something hollow (Bobrovska); eat someone's lunch (кого-л. Kostya Lopunov); beat something to nothing (Bobrovska); have the better of (someone – кого-либо Bobrovska); talk circles around (VLZ_58)
inf. lay over; upstage; outgun; out alpha (в мужественности Taras); whip the pants off (вариант beat the pants off joyand)
Makarov. give points to; go someone better (кого-либо); cast in the shade (кого-либо что-либо); cast into the shade (кого-либо что-либо); cut out (соперника); be beyond (что-либо); be to be yond; beat something hollow (что-либо); knock into a cocked hat; get the better end of (someone – кого-либо); get the better of (someone – кого-либо); go one better (соперника); go one better than (someone – кого-либо); put someone, something in the shade (кого-либо, что-либо); put someone, something into the shade (кого-либо, что-либо); surpass someonein something (в чём-либо; кого-либо); take the shine out from something (что-либо); take the shine out of (someone – кого-либо); throw someone, something in the shade (кого-либо, что-либо); throw someone, something into the shade (кого-либо, что-либо)
Makarov., inf. show up (по способностям)
math. be in excess of; be superior to
psychol. better (по качеству)
slang wax; smear (кого-либо Interex); blow someone's doors off (кого-либо Interex)
tech. overcome
vernac. walk in; walk into
превзошедший prtc.
tib. mtha’ las ’das pa
превзойти кого-либо v
Gruzovik go the better of (someone)
 Russian thesaurus
превзошедши v
gen. деепр. от превзойти
превзойдя v
gen. деепр. от превзойти
: 265 phrases in 29 subjects
American usage, not spelling7
British usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention2
Mass media1
Obsolete / dated14
Security systems1