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превалировать vstresses
gen. predominate; prevail over; carry the day (AlaskaGirl); override (val123); dominate (ArishkaYa); be prevalent; rule; exceed; be of primary importance (Johnny Bravo); rule supreme (VLZ_58); win out (When it comes to your work life and your social life, the office wins out during the week. VLZ_58); dominate (with над); take precedence over
Gruzovik prevail
amer. come to the fore (The question of salary has now come to the fore. Val_Ships)
law reign supreme (алешаBG)
O&G, sakh. supersede (над чем-либо)
 Russian thesaurus
превалировать v
gen. преобладать, иметь перевес, преимущество. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Notarial practice2