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gen. political rights and freedoms (Alexander Demidov); civil rights and liberties (The only way to clearly maintain the civil rights and liberties of adherents and nonadherents is by zealously guarding the constitutional line drawn between matters of faith and those of government. FREEDOM ISN'T FREE IF ATTORNEY NEEDED by Daily News (Los Angeles, CA) The city's Democratic mayor, Wellington Webb, signed onto a statement demanding that the war on terror "not be waged at the expense of essential civil rights and liberties of the people of Denver and the United States" When patriots dissent: surprise: standing up to the PATRIOT Act can ... by Weigel, David / Reason Korematsu, McMahon writes, "represented one of those rare times when the Roosevelt Court's deference to the executive clashed with the advancement of civil rights and liberties. Bad deal: how FDR made life worse for African Americans by Root, Damon W. / Reason. TFD Alexander Demidov); civil and political rights (As already stated earlier, civil and political rights are the rights that generally restrict the powers of the government in respect of actions affecting the individual and his or her autonomy (civil rights), and confer an opportunity upon people to contribute to the determination of laws and participate in government (political rights). lincoln.edu Alexander Demidov)
права и свободы граждан
: 15 phrases in 6 subjects