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gen. forte pedal (у фортепьяно); loud pedal (у фортепьяно)
el. damper pedal; sustain pedal
germ., mus. Dampfer (у фортепиано )
mus.instr. damper pedal (в фортепьяно : damper pedal: a pedal that lifts the dampers from a piano's strings to allow a note to ring after its key is released, called also loud pedal, sustaining pedal, sustain pedal ); loud pedal (в фортепьяно : damper pedal: a pedal that lifts the dampers from a piano's strings to allow a note to ring after its key is released, called also loud pedal, sustaining pedal, sustain pedal ); sustaining pedal (в фортепьяно : damper pedal: a pedal that lifts the dampers from a piano's strings to allow a note to ring after its key is released, called also loud pedal, sustaining pedal, sustain pedal ); sustain pedal (в фортепьяно : damper pedal: a pedal that lifts the dampers from a piano's strings to allow a note to ring after its key is released, called also loud pedal, sustaining pedal, sustain pedal ); open pedal (A sustain pedal or sustaining pedal (also called damper pedal, loud pedal, or open pedal) is the most commonly used pedal in a modern piano. It is typically the rightmost of two or three pedals. When pressed, the sustain pedal "sustains" all the damped strings on the piano by moving all the dampers away from the strings and allowing them to vibrate freely. All notes played will continue to sound until the vibration naturally ceases, or until the pedal is released. wikipedia.org 'More)
tech. rh pedal; right pedal
правая педаль: 10 phrases in 2 subjects