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gen. allegedly (Damirules); is rumoured (+ infinitive: Owned by 352431 B.C. Ltd., the $14-million home is rumoured to be inhabited by Larry Yung of the China International Trust and Investment Corp. -- a company owned by the Chinese government and founded by Yung's father, Rong Yiren, in 1978. (vanmag.com) ART Vancouver); according to repute; according to rumours (Br. Andrey Truhachev); Rumored (Alex_Marukov); Rumour has it that (Rumour has it that the spirit at the 1911 Century House bank building is a young bank teller who was killed in a bank robbery in the early 1900s.); on the cry; by hearsay; on hearsay; through the grapevine (grafleonov); there are rumors that (Andrey Truhachev); rumor holds that (Technical); on the grapevine (Taras); by the grapevine (grafleonov); upon the hearing of; is said to (из самоучителя по переводу Фалалеева YGA); rumoured to be (But Campbell wasn’t there for fun, he was on a mission. On the long flight from Talkeetna to Carey Lake, while the vast green carpet of the boreal forest floated beneath them, the usually shy Campbell told his pilot Jason Sturgis how he planned to spend his summer. Campbell had come to Carey Lake to search for something that, until now, only existed in the darkest, least updated corners of the internet: the Black Pyramid, a massive underground structure rumored to be four times the size of the famous Cheops in Egypt, and thousands, if not millions of years old. anomalien.com ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг according to the rumors; according to the rumor mill; it is rumored; it is rumored that; one is rumoured (to)
amer. word around the campfire is (Word around the campfire was you had some sort of heart attack. Val_Ships); the rumor mill says (The rumor mill says that he was reimbursed to the tune of $25 million. Val_Ships)
inf. on the bamboo grapevine (MichaelBurov)
rhetor. it was learned through word-of-mouth that (Alex_Odeychuk)
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gen. by ear
obs. reportingly
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