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gen. legend has it that (Legend has it that the first structures Peter the Great built on the island were the buildings of the former foundry. • Legend has it that the practice started when Cossack soldiers drove Napoleon back to France in 1814.); as per the legend (Morning93)
cliche. legend says that (There was once a Benedictine nunnery on the site. Legend says that when St Bega, an Irish princess, asked the lord of the manor for land on which to build it, she was mockingly offered all the land covered by snow on mid-summer's day. When St Bega awoke that day, there was snow covering a 3-mile stretch of land, which was then given to her for the nunnery. (AA Illustrated Guide to Britain) ART Vancouver)
idiom. according to the legend (Jekyll Grim Payne); under cover (как разведчик-нелегал, внедрённый агент и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
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: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Cultural studies1